The truth is escaping, around the edges of the establishment narrative. The FDA rushed in to approve a vaccine, (but they really didn’t). It was a bait and switch of the highest order. I’m sure they’ll get back to it, once they can figure out how to indemnify Big Pharma. They need something to kickstart the mandates, so global corporations, governments and schools can force you and your children into getting the shot.
Just more lies and deception in this grand dilemma and the folks are getting pretty sick of the whole charade. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott bannned mandates on COVID-19 vaccines regardless of whether they have full FDA approval. Montana has also decided to protect civil liberties, human rights and Freedom in Big Sky Country with a ban.
Hopefully more States begin to function like Montana, Texas and Florida and stand up to the bullies in Washngton D.C. The way our forefathers intended, when they created a Constitutional Republic. The obvious danger is that when the lunatics escaping from California and New York, emigrate to Montana, Florida and Texas for a taste of freedom, they’ll bring their beliefs with them.
This is not a left / right paradigm. It’s about freedom vs. slavery. The elite oligarchs that are currently running their hurry up offense, have infiltrated every administration all the way back to Woodrow Wilson, perhaps further. Both Democrat and Republican administrations. The fake two party system is a ploy to seperate and divide. A few have attempted to escape their masters, after they realized their madness but it was too late. The masters, until recently have stayed behind the curtain, operating through organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, think tanks or charitable foundations.
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.” ~Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Oh, and let’s not forget the most important sham organization of all. The shadow government, with the deceptive name. “The Federal Reserve Bank.” A secret organization of insider financiers and international bankers who’ve worked diligently for over a century, to destabilize the American financial system and enrich themselves. Creating money out of thin air and turning the citizens into debt serfs. They’ve also increased their leverage on government sixfold in the last decade. $6,000,000,000,000. That’s a lot of zeros and a lot of leverge and gives a pretty good indication of who owns whom.

The narrative is that without their help, we are defenseless against hunger, poverty, war, terrorism, disease, natural disasters, and pandemics. So it’s in the their best interest to instill fear of all possible dangers, which they pretend to resolve, expanding their power in the process. They pretend to have the best interests of society as their aim but they only have one aim; destroy America and create a One World Government. They believe they are close and have come out of hiding, to put the finishing touches on their conquest. Will they succeed? Is Freedom more important than comfort and security?
“Feelings of superiority always stem from an illusion.” ― Marty Rubin
Protests are breaking out all around the Great Wide World, as the folks wake up to the sick, demented prank, being played on them. The vaccine is creating a perfect storm, just as a number of doctors, scientists and virologist have been stating since the beginning. It’s hard to believe that so many people, trust the words of a disturbed, megalomaniac, like Anthony Fauci, when significant numbers of experts with good intentions and actual knowledge of what’s going on, are sharing the truth of it. They are laying their livelihoods on the line, to protect us; fearlessly speaking truth to power. Turn the damn TV off, don’t fall for propaganda and do the research. The truth is out there, it just takes a bit of diligence to uncover. Thanks to the oligarchy that control the media…and the internet, it seems.
The vaccine is actually causing the virus to mutate even more rapidly than is normal for a virus. And let’s be clear, viruses mutate pretty damn quick without any help. They have a healthy fear of death and will do whatever they can to avoid it – “Viral Escape.” Who knows what shape the virus will take under such duress. What we do know is the novel, mutated virus strains, seem to be attacking vaccinated hosts at a much higher frequency than unvaccinated hosts. That data is destroying the establisment narrative presently and I’m wondering what they will do to rescue it. All will be known in due time, I suppose.
Simple Truth #1: If it’s science, it can be questioned. If it cannot be questioned, it’s propaganda.
Simple Truth #2: The survival rate for COVID-19 is 99.7%
Simple Truth #3: A vaccine can’t stop a coronavirus.
It’s not Polio or Smallpox – It’s Corona
Coronaviruses live and mutate in animals. That’s why they make a new vaccine for the flu every year. The vaccine doesn’t stop the flu from mutating and coming back year after year. Because it’s a coronavirus that mutates and lives in dogs and hogs, (animals). Our innate immunity or natural immune response is much better equipped to stop a coronavirus than an mRNA spike protein in the Snake Oil they’re calling a vaccine.
“Individuals formerly infected with COVID-19 are seven times more likely then vaccinated people to fight off the virus. It appears that natural immunity is better against the Delta variant. When you get infected with COVID, your body’s immune system develops to the entire surface of the virus. Not just slight protein that the vaccines gives you, but the entire surface. And so you get a more diverse antibody portfolio in your system.” ~ Dr. Marty Makary, John Hopkins School of Medicine
The goal of antibodies is to bind to the pathogen and prevent it from entering, a cell. Many vaccines work by inducing antibodies but not all antibody responses are created equal. Sometimes they actually increase the ability of a virus to enter cells, worsening the disease through a mechanism called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). That’s what’s happening presently and it will likely get worse going forward.
I’ve already written numerous articles, (here, here, here, here and here) warning about how the establishment oligarchs are using this so called pandemic to steal your freedom, crash the economy, destroy small business and cancel the United States and replace it with a global, totalitarian government; where you will be slave and like it – since you won’t have a choice.
I know my words don’t mean much in the grand scheme of things and will fall on deaf ears. Just like the multitude of patriots and freedom lovers who predicted over a year and half ago where this was headed. When governments all around the world panicked by the propaganda, instituted lockdowns for a virus, no worse than a common cold.
“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” ~Ed Abbey
It’s real and it’s never going away. No matter how many jabs you get. Like a cold or the flu, it’s here to stay for ever and ever. So what? The survival rate is 99.72%. A fact that is never shared by the MSM. The fear of death, does not stop death. We all have the same finish line. It’s our only guarantee – “No one get’s out alive.” Don’t let them steal your life and the freedom to live that life the way you choose. Critical thinking and action are required. They think they’ve won.
They are running a totalitarian test right now in Australia and New Zealand, complete with a Nazi style police force punishing the folks for walking their dogs. Spraying teens with pepper spray and dispersing peaceful demonstrations with rubber bullets. Wake Up. This is not a health crisis. Just say NO!
Oh my I couldn’t of said it better
Thanks for stopping by Ms. Patricia. Appreciate your support.