FDA – Sets New Record

“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

The definition of insanity that I’ve always used is; “Doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” Which is exactly what the narrative is presently; with regards to being jabbed with Pfizer’s life saving miracle elixir. The efficacy of these concoctions seem to drop a couple times a week as the data gets examined, though this does not generally make the news. The news tells us instead that the FDA has approved a vaccine in 6 months and that it’s safe and effective.

The real data is suggesting something very different. The countries with the highest percentage of vaccinated citizens are suffering from the most significant breakouts of the virus. So obviously the vaccine isn’t as effective as what we were told. They attempt to cover it by saying, but, but, but if you do get COVID again it won’t be as virulent. The vaccine will protect you from the super COVID. 

The FDA was coerced into approving the Pfizer vaccine in record time, the average is 12 years. They got this done in 6 months. Anything to save the world from a dangerous, super virus that kills almost 0.987654321% of the folks it comes in contact with – Oh, and they have diabetes, COPD or some other comorbidity, they’ve been struggling with. None of the regular processes were adhered to for this approval. We already know it’s not effective. The data and the insane response from the evil Dr. Fauci prove that. “Um, um, well, I think you just need a booster. The first two didn’t work very well, let’s just stick everyone again.” Are you kidding me? Talk about INSANITY!

So they say it’s effective, when it’s not even as effective as your natural immune response, as is obvious from the delta strain, that is rapidly gaining traction in the most vaccinated countries of the world. Then they even have the audacity to blame it on all the folks that say, “no thank you,” to their mRNA cocktail. 

“A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

“C’mon, people, they say. “It will work. You’re putting others at risk, you selfish dick, get the stick. You just need to trust the science.” Fill your body with a enough mRNA spike proteins and the virus won’t have a chance. Viruses aren’t much for dead hosts, so they probably have that one right. 

My bet is, if it’s not effective, it’s not safe either, which can also be validated by having another look at the data. The VAERS database, shows around 13,000 deaths so far, directly caused by the vaccine, within 48 hours of getting the jab. Dead people don’t report in though, so I suspect the death numbers are significantly higher.

It’s unnerving when data and evidence loses it’s authority, while narratives and agendas take precedence over truth. When good people, who only wish to help humanity are censored, preventing anything but the controlled narrative from reaching the public, it’s obvious that something darker’s going on. I’m not attempting to change the mind of the lunatics in the asylum. I just want to validate the folks out there that are already aware that things aren’t as they seem.

There are plenty too, which is why they’ve not been able to get beyond about half the folks in the Great Wide World with their life saving, fully FDA approved wonder drug. Even though they quote much higher numbers, the data doesn’t fit – imagine that. They are absolutely not done though. They will continue to use fear, guilt, shame, threats and whatever they can think of, to force a vaccine that has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt to be both ineffective and dangerous, into your arm.

I just want to say, stay strong, stay free. You’re not putting anyone at risk. The survival rate is well over 99%, with or without a vaccine. Turn off the TeeVee, unplug from the propaganda. Do your own research and question everything! This is a defining moment ya’ll.

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