We have mentioned fear a bit, here at 3MPH.org. It lives deep in our bones, actually in our minds. It’s a powerful, primitive human emotion. Real fear or biochemical fear is a survival mechanism that has been hard wired in us, since before we walked upright, on two legs. An automatic response that we can’t do much about. Sweating, rapid heartbeat and an increase in adrenaline, as we prepare either for combat or to run away – the “Fight or Flight” response.
Fear isn’t just a primitive, biochemical, survival mechanism. Psychological fear can manifest from a real threat or from imagined threats of danger. But it’s all pretty tricky how our minds work. Psychological fear can even be a learned. That’s why the chief mechanism for propaganda artists is; you guessed it – FEAR.
When Dr. “Evil” Fauci warns, that disaster will result if folks don’t follow a particular course of action, he is using the fear appeal. By playing upon deep-seated fears, practitioners hope to redirect attention away from the merits of a particular proposal and toward reducing the fear. This technique can be highly effective when used by a fascist demagogue.
The Beatings Will Continue
Fear is most definitely the club that is being wielded to beat all of the unvaccinated into submission. Recently vaccines have been on the rise after a summertime lull. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi had some of the lowest vaccination rates in the country all summer but have moved to the top of the heap in the last week or so. What prompted that ya’ reckon?
The vaccinated definitely fear COVID the most. They took a dose of a test vaccine that hasn’t even been cleared by the FDA and has not even been validated through trials. Polls show that fear of the virus or getting sick was the number one and two reasons for getting the jab.
The unvaccinated have a lot of fear around the issue too. Fear of a vaccine that hasn’t been properly tested. Fear of the mRNA delivery system that has never been used before, ever. Fear of thrombotic organ failure. Fear of reproduction problems. Fear of graphene. The list goes on but in the name of brevity I’ll stop there.
So how do you get the unvaccinated to fear something, worse than they fear the vaccine. Let’s try some bullets, haven’t done that in awhile.
- Fear of losing their job.
- Fear of missing out. No innoculation card, no…
- Restaurants
- Concerts
- Bars
- Trains
- Planes
- Grocery Stores
- Oh hell. Get vaccinated or stay in your house, alone for the rest of your life
- It’s coming back, only mutated. Delta and Lamda or much more contagious
- Headache
- Runny nose
- Death, the big one. We all fear death, right?
Enough Already
Ok, that’s enough. Just thinking about it saps my Mojo and I need to finish up. Interestingly about half the country took the jab pretty quickly and the other half said, no thank you. We’ve been stuck there for months, even with free Walmart cards and other bribes. Dr. Evil is talking up the idea of having the businesses make it mandatory and I have little doubt that all of the big global corporations, universities and government shops will sign on in the next few weeks, once they cajole the FDA into stamping their seal of approval on the life saving potion. And I know they are doing just that, right now. Because they are saying the opposite. Pretending the FDA is an independant, upright organization that can be trusted. Nope. Just another government tool.
These are the largest employers in every state, controlling the lion’s share of the jobs. So we are about to find out if the unvaccinated fear the vaccine more than losing their job. Hmm. Is your job more important than your freedom? According to the polls, the unvaccinated are split right down the middle. Half say they will probably take the jab to save their job, like they did in France. The other half said, “take this job and shove it.” A pivotal point in the “Get Vaxxed or Else” drama. Just remember, “all animals are created equal, some are just more equal than others.”
Really good read!
Thanks, Dave.
I went ahead and got vaccinated. I think the relative risk between the unknown effects of the vaccine and covid vary with age, and my age is right where it is about an even money bet. The office pushing the vax was enough to make me get it, apparently I’d sell out very cheaply.
Hey Joe, thanks for stopping by. I reckon there will be a lot more pushing in our future. Interestingly, the recent data I’ve been researching is suggesting that this virus mutates so rapidly that the jab,(technically, it’s not a vaccine) is not working very well. New cases are appearing in vaccinated and unvaccinated at roughly the same rate. And this from a white paper in Nature. “Antibody-based drugs and vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are being expedited through preclinical and clinical development. Data from the study of SARS-CoV and other respiratory viruses suggest that anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies could exacerbate COVID-19 through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).” Here is a link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41564-020-00789-5.pdf
So, does the life saving elixir actually make it worse?