New studies and research continue to show that your natural immune system is “the real warrior” against the hyper-contagious COVID-19 and the dreaded Delta. A much better choice than a shot or two or three of an mRNA cocktail. At least thirteen times more efficient than the Pfizer shot according to a study in Israel. I had the original flavor of the novel coronavirus back in the winter of 2020 and thanks to a strong natural immune system, my body was able to fight it off within a few days, with simple cold-like symptoms and some minor loss of smell.
My judgement is, because I eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, get at least 8 hours of good sleep and spend a couple hours a day in the sunshine and exercising, my immune system is strong enough to fight against the variety of viruses out there in the Great Wide World. I understand that many folks have a compromised immune system due to poor health. My recommendation is that a lifestyle change is a much better solution than an mRNA cocktail of unknown secret ingredients, or any other of the long list of pharmaceuticals, these companies hock on Tee Vee and the doctor’s office. I’m speaking from experience, I’ve been on both sides of the obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, tobacco, alcohol and slothfulness divide.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”― Hippocrates
There are vitamins and minerals that significantly improve your natural immune response. They help create little Warrior antibodies that are more than a match for most pathogens. Vitamin C, D, Zinc and Quercetin are at the top of the list for improving natural immunity. Getting the proper amount of sleep and exercise are just as important as what you eat, or what you don’t eat.
Dairy, soft drinks, cured meats, fried food, coffee, tobacco, eggs, alcohol, sugar, processed bread and baked goods all cause inflammation, which damages the natural immune system. Sadly, that list looks a lot like the standard Western diet. I wrote an article back at the start of the Pandemic about nutrition, (here) focused on the importance of diet to your general health. A healthy lifestyle does a lot more than just ward off coronavirus bugs. It may just be the key to finding what you’ve been looking for.
Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes are nutrient dense and contain antioxidants that help against harmful pathogens. Fiber feeds your gut microbiome, which improves your immunity and helps keep harmful pathogens from entering your body via your digestive tract. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C, Zinc and Quercetin. Legumes are very high in many of the nutrients that improve immunity but these nutrients are difficult to extract without proper preparation. They need to be soaked for a significant period of time before cooking and eating.
Other vegetables lose much of their nutrient load when over-cooked. Food is one of the most important ingredients of a happy life. Food is art, science and medicine. You need to give it the care and attention that it so richly deserves and I know plenty of folks do. That’s why there are millions of cookbooks, thousands of websites and dozens cable channels dedicated to the art and love of food. Growing your own food in the garden provides an opportunity to know your food even better, to experience it at another level. The joys of gardening are endless.
“My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece” ― Claude Monet
Gardening provides a connection to Mother Earth. She nurtures us and provides us with everything we need. Digging your toes and fingers into the soil while harvesting the beautiful colors and flavors of her bounty is a glorious escape from the incongruity of the present paradigm and provides a path back to your true nature. Living in harmony and balance with your environment.
I’ve lost a little of my focus, like a lot of folks recently as the plutocracy have rolled out their “New Normal,” that’s anything but normal. The concept of 3MPH.ORG is slowing down and living a life more in tune with the natural world. An escape from the commercialized, consumerist, earn a living hamster wheel of which we’ve become accustomed to and indoctrinated into, since the height of the industrial revolution a couple centuries ago. There’s another way to live and it starts with slowing down and living intentionally.
Domestication into the organized, technocratic society, leads you to believe there are only a limited number of paths to choose from in the Great Wide World and you must choose one of those paths and stay on it. This shrinks your perspective of reality and traps you in the belief that what you desire is just a dream; something you can’t have. The idea of a life that doesn’t fit the mold seems unattainable. It’s not! When you slow down and adjust your perspective, awareness opens you to the possibilities of yourself. You can make your own medicine and create a beautiful masterpiece.