Defending Against a Virus

The basic requirements for life are clean air, water and food. Almost all disease; wee beasties from viruses to cancer have a difficult time in an alkaline environment. We are energetic, electrical beings and energy moves and thrives in an alkaline environment. In a high acid environment, energy is impeded, we become sluggish and slow; physically, mentally and spiritually. Studies have shown that cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer’s are exacerbated if not caused by a high acid environment. The body undergoes an entire update at the cellular level about every eight months. Sick and dead cell structures are flushed and replaced by new, clean, alive cells, updating and recharging DNA, if the body pH is neutral to alkaline. The body cannot do its work though, if it is highly acidic. The sick and dead cells hang around creating a toxic environment that leads to ill health and disease, the perfect playground for a deadly virus and other diseases of affluence.

Acidic foods to stay away from: Dairy, soft drinks, cured meats like bacon and sausage, fried food, coffee, red meat, eggs, alcohol, sugar, grains, processed bread and baked goods. In other words, the standard Western diet. Raise the bodies pH, by reducing acid foods and consuming alkaline foods. We need to keep our diets rich in alkaline-producing foods, I’m talking about fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts here folks, it is not complicated. Spinach, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, collards, cabbage, berries, almonds, you get the idea. Think plant fats, brothers and sisters. They also improve cognition and provide the most energy potential for the body to thrive; nuts, avocados, coconut oil and leafy greens. I have studied the perils of acidosis for a decade and I am convinced that it is a primary driver for depression as well as most chronic diseases. Food is medicine; an avocado and a hand full of almonds a day, instead of those anti-depressants, pain killers, statins and whiskey.

An avocado a day, keeps the virus away.

It’s interesting that in these viral times, everyone races to the market and after they get their two year supply of toilet paper, they fight over milk, eggs and bread. Three items that are right at the top of the list for creating acidosis. Like ok, what are the top three things I can eat to reduce my bodies ability to fight off a viral infection, I better stock up on those first. Then it is off to the cupcake and soda pop aisle. If the virus doesn’t get me, obesity will. At least the Candida yeast or should I say beast will be satisfied while I take refuge in the dungeon and binge watch MSNBC, CNN or FOX, for all the latest on the Chinese Virus.

The constant news flow creates stress. Stress is also a big one; find something to do that reduces stress, it can be as bad as what we eat in creating a toxic environment in our body. Ideally that something to do, is exercise. It reduces stress and improves body functions. Get out from in front of the TV, stop consuming all the BS news stories or constantly scrolling through your Facebook Feed and go for a walk or a bike ride. Play with the kids out in the yard, since school has been cancelled. Vitamin D and solar exposure has been proven to reduce the impact of both viral and biological infestation – Get Out There. Where better to practice social distancing than the great outdoors.

Fasting and intermittent fasting are valuable in speeding up cellular cleansing and resetting the DNA. Calorie restriction goes beyond virus prevention and is perhaps the best way to achieve a longer, healthier and happier life. You don’t have to believe me, do the research yourself.

Some good reading: 

  • The Switch by James Clement 
  • The China Study by T. Colin Campbell 
  • Enlightened Eating by Cassandra Ohlsen 
  • Grow a New Body by Alberto Villoldo.