For quite awhile, I have been pondering and meditating on abortion. Since it has been in the news flow lately, as the political left and right struggle with each other and their belief systems regarding the right and wrong of it, I thought it the perfect time to write a post. Any time we give over to government the right to decide something so personal and important, we have obviously become lost, as a society. It reminds me of Stanley Milgram’s incredible experiments in the 1960’s, detailed in his excellent book, “Obedience To Authority.”
From the Crusades, to the ovens of Auschwitz. From destroying Japan with Fat Boy and Little Man, to carpet bombing Vietnam and 911. The people that actually performed these atrocities believed they were just doing their job. Being obedient to authority and doing the right thing. Is that where we are with abortion? Have we become morally blind to the act of snuffing out the life of an unborn human in the name of virtue signaling and feminist beliefs about the right to choose.
Right To Choose
When I look at this belief, I am stunned by the path that we have taken. When the sanctity of human life is disregarded so completely in the name of some fabricated social justice lie and a large portion of humanity can actually hold to it, like some important truth. Where does that suggest we are headed in our evolution as a society? These people cannot truly be living with connection to spirit. How can your heart and soul truly embrace the murder of an unborn child as a human right?
I’m not talking of Rowe vs Wade or laws and rules of governments and institutions here. Or their right to intrude in our lives. I’m talking about the one rule that is important to humanity. “The Golden Rule.” I have diligently tried studying the other side of this conundrum. Looking for the valid logic of scraping an unborn child from the womb and disposing of it in the waste bin. There are possibly a couple of appropriate events where abortion makes sense for the parties involved. But that is not what I am writing about. This is about abortion as right or wrong based on universal and natural law.
I can see that these folks are not without compassion, as many of the same ones that promote the right to destroy a little baby, before it has a chance in the Great Wide World are trying to save all the stray dogs from the shelter. Don’t get me wrong. I love dogs and get that people shouldn’t be so irresponsible about deciding to abandon them when they realize that they need a lot of time and care. However this mad passion for the adopting of dogs, yet out the other side of their mouth, they can utter the insanities of abortion being about some feminist right to choose, is mind boggling.
I love nature and all the four legged’s; tigers and lions and bears, forest, mountain and beach. I get that we have taxed nature with the burden of over population, brought on by the anomaly of cheap fossil fuel for the last century. But I really don’t get; “Adopt a Dog – Abort a Baby”. Where are we headed? Can’t we adopt dogs and babies?
The Alan Gutmacher Institute, a leading proponent of abortion on demand, claims that there have been more than 50 million abortions in the U.S. since Roe Vs. Wade. So to use round numbers that is about 1 million abortions per year. Compared to less than 700,000 euthanized dogs per year according to ASPCA.
Over 10 times as many humans have been put to death in the name of a right to choose than were killed in the 200 years of the Crusades, (from “The Great Big Book of Horrible Things: The Definitive Chronicle of History’s 100 Worst Atrocities”). Fifty times as many than were marched to the ovens in Auschwitz. Two hundred times more human lives have been snuffed out by abortion than the atrocity of Hiroshima and 14 times the total human death toll of the 20 year Vietnam debacle.
Self Destruction
I want to reiterate, I am not proposing that government create more rules, laws and regulations to control or bully us into what to believe or how to act. I am only attempting to understand a society that puts more value on abandoned dogs than the sanctity of human life. Looking back at these historical atrocities it becomes obvious that they were mostly tribal decisions. It’s our duty to destroy the infidels or the communists. In our present paradigm, defeat the right or the left. Abortion though is essentially destroying ourselves, at least a part of ourselves. How does that make sense?
The Abortion lobby is presently taking the political adage; “Never let a serious crisis go to waste” to a new level. They’re using the Covid-19 outbreak as an opportunity to infiltrate the medical profession and taxpayer resources with political overreach. Suggesting that abortion is essential healthcare in time of crisis and should be subsidized by government.
Abortion is not a treatment for curing pregnancy. It is an act of heartlessness, unparalleled in the annals of human history. It actually gets much worse with researchers lobbying for access to the broken bodies of infants and fetal stem cells, another profit center for abortion vendors. It’s time to turn off the collective social justice party line. Look inward and ask yourself, is this truly about individual freedom and a right to choose?