Happy Hump Day – Vladimir’s Choice

A Russian Fable.

God appears to Vladimir, a dreadfully impoverished peasant, and says to him.

“Vladimir, I will grant you one wish. Anything you wish for shall be yours.”

Vladimir was excited with this promise and as he pondered the possibilities, God added one small caveat.

“Anything, I grant to you, I will give to your neighbour, Ivan, twice over." 

On hearing this Vladimir paused and thought deeply for some time, as God waited for his answer.

Finally, Vladimir said “OK, God, gouge out one of my eyes”.

We’ve jumped the track on our evolutionary ascension and are descending back into toxic tribalism. An us vs. them mentality, where negative feelings and hatred rule. Is Peace, Prosperity and Kindness too difficult a concept for our feeble human minds? We got so close over the last couple centuries; why are we now so anxious to return to “The Clan of the Cave Bear?

“If you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against.

The struggle between ‘for’ and ‘against’ is the minds worst disease.”

— Jianzhi Sengcan

A common theme at 3mph. Here’s a few links to some related articles in the archive. Read Something.

Be Kind!