United We Stand Divided We Fall

“All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall.” ― Alexandre Dumas, Three Musketeers

As I look around the Great Wide World and especially at social media, I see a lot of division. Everyone seems to have an opinion and they’re ready to share, with all who’ll listen. The problem is, confirmation bias keeps anyone but those who already agree with their ideology from paying attention. The line has been drawn. It’s not a new phenomenon I suppose but it feels more virulent and dangerous than it did a few years ago. Even though there are still many of the same actors and actresses working diligently on the dividing.

Nancy Pelosi is unhinged and a danger to the country. She belongs in an insane asylum not the House of Representatives. Her Spanish Inquisition into the Capitol Riots on January 6th is not only a hateful and despicable act, it’s absurd and it’s dividing the country. It seems that she is intentionally attempting to destroy the US economy purely for political gain.

The present moment pales in comparison to the years leading up to the civil war. Back then Ms. Pelosi might have taken one right between the eyes. The divide was so profound, the representatives brought weapons into Congress. There were extremes in ideology during the countries founding but there was a middle ground. They agreed on the basics, they compromised and recognized each other as people.

“Every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We actually need to face each other again and discover there is a lot we have in common, rather than emphasizing our differences.” —Thomas Jefferson

In the present paradigm there is no compromise. We’ve created a system the reinforces discord. We don’t know each other anymore and we don’t want to try. We’ve become tribal. Sticking with the people that believe, the way we believe. Disagreement is no stranger to the history of the U.S but our present inability to get together to achieve common goals would surely be seen as failure by our founding fathers.

My generation experienced, socio-political upheaval caused by the war in Vietnam and a nation deeply divided by the acts of Richard Nixon and his eventual resignation over the Watergate scandal. But we made it through those dark days just like we got through the reconstruction period, after the Civil War. 

In the 70’s, there were only the big three news stations and they generally just produced the news. Not the made for TV dramas we see on the multitude of cable news networks and social media now. It seems like their sole mission is to diseminate discord and division.

The phrase “United We Stand Divided We Fall” has been around for awhile. The New Testament has 3 variations in the Gospels; Mark 3:25, Matthew 12:25 and Luke 11:17. The first use in modern times was probably by John Dickinson. One of America’s Founding Fathers, who wrote “The Liberty Song” back in 1768. A snappy revolutionary war tune.

The sixth verse:

Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all,
By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall;
In so righteous a cause let us hope to succeed,
For heaven approves of each generous deed.

The reason this phrase is still around after a few thousand years is because, it’s easy to see the truth in it. It resonates and it fits perfectly with the concepts and principles that America was founded on. Ideals like liberty, opportunity, equality and freedom. That regardless of birthright or social class, life should be better, richer and fuller for everyone. The Declaration of Independence; declaring that, “all men are created equal with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

It’s interesting that I’ve ended up here again. Here’s an essay from December 2020, (The Great Divide). I know it will very likely fall on deaf ears. That most us are trapped by confirmation bias. Counter-arguments and opinions that do not align with our own, are no match for our iron clad belief systems. But I can’t stop trying! 

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” ― Joe Klaas

I remember my own awakening, twenty years ago, after 9/11. That event rocked my world, like it did many others I reckon. I couldn’t let go. I kept chasing after the truth of it and when it was revealed to me, my whole world came crashing down. I got pretty pissed off, as I realized that; much of what I believed was a lie. That there’s an evil, dark force out there, that fully intends to destroy the American Ideal – Liberty, Opportunity, Equality and FREEDOM. No not Terrorists – Globalists. Imagine the regimes of Hitler, Stalin and Mao with A.I., facial recognition, computer programs and all the other toys that belong to the technocratic global predators.

All previous totalitarian regimes got their start with the same sort of “cancel culture” we’re seeing presently in the United States. Russian citizens were encouraged to denounce fellow workers and even their own family members, for committing offenses against the revolution; even just an uttered thought. Here in America, the First Amendment forbids the government from punishing us for thought crimes. I’ve always loved the free wheeling environment that allowed Americans to spout off, whatever the hell they wanted. Sadly that environment does not exist any longer. Maybe the government can’t legally shut us down but it seems the “Brave New World” of social media doesn’t play by the same rules.

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” ― George Orwell

Is the government still in charge, or are the social media billionaires, with their totalitarian bent and pockets deep enough to leverage politicos to do their bidding, actually in charge? The intolerance of opposing views, the public shaming, the ostracism and the propensity to turn complex issues into moral certitude, looks a lot like, Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China.

As a society, we need to unite around the concepts and principles that this country was founded on – Liberty, Opportunity, Equality. And the most important principle of all; FREEDOM of an individual to pursue life, liberty and happiness, the way they choose, whether it’s in alignment with your belief system or not. Do you really believe, (I was going to write ‘think” but I realized, most of us don’t think anymore) the folks that don’t cozy up to your flavor of ideology need to be publicly shamed, have their life cancelled or be locked up in the GULAG?

“When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.” ― Nelson Mandela

United We Stand – Divided We Fall