We The People

The Constitution of the United States of America, does not begin; “We The Government” or “We The Plutocracy” or “We The Globalist Crony Capitalists.” It begins with “We The People.” Friday, September 17th, (tomorrow) is Constitution Day. 234 years ago our Founding Fathers met for the last time to sign the document. 

In 1787, the fear of a new federal government was so strong that “We The People” demanded a “Bill of Rights.” The first ten amendments in the Constitution, that guarantees essential rights and civil liberties, such as the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to a fair trial, as well as protecting the role of the states in American government; Texas for instance.

Have you read the “Constitution” lately? Have you perused the first ten amendments known as “The Bill of Rights?” They used to teach it in school, they don’t anymore. There are more important things, like:

  • critical race theory
  • global warming…Slow Joe is in the Centennial State this week, on his soap box, spouting innanities
  • sacrifice today for the sake of tomorrow 
  • the primary goal in life is to earn a living
  • work is good, play is bad 
  • fear failure 
  • obey authority 

The list goes on. Children’s imagination is a wild and beautiful thing until we put them in school, where their imagination is suppressed and their creativity stolen. Instead of teaching them how to think, they’re taught what to think, (indoctrination). If they rebel and hold strong to their creative spirit and the concept of freedom, the school recommends giving them drugs to make them more manageable. Sadly their parents critical thinking skills have been dulled by the same domestication process and they agree. But I digress; this is supposed to be about the Constitution, “We The People” and Freedom.

I don’t think Slow Joe has read the Constitution since sometime prior to his multiple brain surgeries 33 years ago, judging by his tyrannical rant, last week. He has enough trouble with the crib notes provided by his globalist, plutocratic bosses, I reckon. He seems to have forgotten who he works for. “We The People.” Unfortunately Blowhard Biden is not the first government hegemon to attempt the theft of our liberties and freedoms through terror, trauma and trickery. 

The more that laws and regulations are given prominence, the more thieves and robbers there will be.” ~Lao Tzu

That’s why the Founding Fathers created the document; they recognized historically that every government that has ever existed has run amuck, destroying everything they touch. Human history is filled with Phoenix rising stories and myths. And they know we’re deep into the destruction cycle and it can’t be avoided. That’s why we are constantly bombarded with the “build back better” meme. Their idea though is to rebuild without a “Bill of Rights.”

“You will own nothing and be happy.” The original premise was that by dividing the government into three branches:

  1. Legislative—Makes laws (Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate)
  2. Executive—Carries out laws (president, vice president, Cabinet, most federal agencies)
  3. Judicial—Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and other courts)

Note: In a survey, less than 30% of Americans knew the 3 branches of government but 50% could name all of the Simpsons.

No individual or group would have too much power. Bribery and corruption though, have a way of rotting even the best laid plans. “We The People” have been under assault for a long time:

  • Government surveillance
  • Militarized police
  • Asset forfeiture
  • Eminent domain
  • Armed surveillance drones
  • Whole body scanners
  • Stop and frisk
  • Travel Lockdowns
  • Vaccine mandates
  • Vaccine passports

Every bullet in that list is covered in the “Bill of Rights.” Designed to protect “We The People.” But that did not stop a rotting and corrupt government from ratcheting up the fear and propaganda, using one bogeyman or another to steal our freedom and civil liberties; War on drugs, Terrorism, Illegal Immigration and now a viral pandemic.

Most folks tend to respond like Pavlov’s dog when it comes to the government promising them safety, security and protection, in trade for their freedom. Not even recognizing the government’s protecting them from the bogeymen that the government created. Even a country like the United States that begins with a powerful “Bill of Rights” over generations will wear down and capitulate to the empty promises. It may take 234 years or longer, but historically every culture gives in and becomes dominated, collapsing in economic ruin. Folks lose their desire to create and produce when the oligarchy bleed them dry.

I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of our society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. ~ Thomas Jefferson

“We The People” have the ultimate power. We don’t have to be dominated by an oligarchy that wants to bleed us dry and collapse us into economic ruin, so they can build back better. The crony capitalists that want to take away your car and your hamburger – preaching about healing the planet, are the ones that are destroying it. The government that is protecting you from the bogeyman, created the bogeyman. They are attempting to erase the one chance that humanity has to create a society where people are free to pursue their dream.

We’re probably too deep into the cycle of destruction to prevent it – The Point of No Return. But death and rebirth are a natural cycle. Our Founding Fathers entrusted us with the ultimate powers of our society. Will we let the state dominate us? Steal our rights and freedoms. Rob us of our desire until we capitulate. Or will we stand together? “We The People”; “one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

“Let Freedom Ring.”

Be sure to celebrate Constitution Day. Go read the “Bill of Rights

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