
The “Jamestown Massacre” happened on November 18, 1978, when just over 900 cult members from the Peoples Temple were effectively murdered by cult leader Jim Jones. He founded the cult in the 1950’s in Indianapolis and relocated to California in the 1960’s. By the 1970’s the charismatic cult leader had moved to San Francisco and cozied up to the corrupt politicians there. Membership went as high as 20,000 by the mid seventies as Jones attracted young idealistic followers with his message of social equality and racial justice.

“Almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so.” ― Robert A. Heinlein

Cult Leader Jim Jones

Negative reports started making the news as some of the cultists were deprogrammed, with stories of members being coerced and forced into turning over their belongings, their homes and even their children; for the cause. As the media attention and investigations mounted, the paranoid Leader invited the congregation to move to Guyana with him, where he promised them a socialist utopia. It’s funny how these socialist utopias all end up with lot’s of dead people.

It baffles the imagination how that many, could be so enthralled by the cult leader’s bullshit, that they’d knowingly drink cyanide laced Kool-Aid. How could so many people lose connection with reality, at the same time? But here we are 43 years later and it’s happening again. Instead of one charismatic leader, we have a host of media conglomerates enthralling the folks with propaganda, convincing them to drink the Kool-Aid.

Deliberate Acts

Cult Leader Tony Fauci, (“Sexiest Man Alive”)

Before the September 11th attacks, Jonestown was the greatest loss of civilian life from a deliberate act in the history of America. 900 people died in Jonestown and 3000 people died in the 9/11 tragedy. Presently VAERS Data shows 913,268 Injuries and 19,249 Deaths caused by the various mRNA cocktails that charismatic cult leader, Anthony Fauci is coercing and forcing on the civilians of America. The death toll from this travesty is 21 times greater than Jonestown and 6 times greater than September 11th

VAERS data has also been proven to be under reported, the real numbers are much higher. So why aren’t civilians raising a little more hell about what’s going on? Is it a cult? Fauci has conservatively killed 100’s of times more civilians than Jones, yet the MSM never talks about it! Cult members rarely understand they’re part of a cult and are being manipulated and abused. I know just listing some of the characteristics common to cults or comparing COVID propaganda with cult indoctrination is not likely to convince a Covidian cult member to relax their religious fervor but I have to try; so here goes:

Characteristics of a Cult / Cultist

  • Displays an unquestioning and fervent commitment to its leader, (Fauci) completely trusting his ideology and beliefs as truth. (In Fauci’s case, the truth changes week to week.)
  • Questioning or dissent are discouraged and even punished, (Take the jab or lose your job).
  • The Leader dictates how members should think and act. Even what job they have, (or don’t have.)
  • The cult, (vaccinated) are elitist, claiming special status for theirselves. Even claiming they are on a special mission to save humanity. (Or put them in an internment camp if they don’t take the jab.)
  • Cults have an us-versus-them mentality.
  • The leader is not held accountable. (Even when he murders Beagle puppies for fun and profit.)
  • The cult insinuates, it’s ends justify any means necessary, no matter how evil or unethical. (Take the jab or no food for you.)
  • The leader instigates guilt and shame to coerce and control.
  • Cultists are required to live and/or socialize only with other cultists.

“The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective.” ― Aldous Huxley

So what do you think? Are we dealing with a cult, mass hypnosis or just regular, run of the mill totalitarianism? No one voted on vaccine mandates or dictates. When a handful of leaders act in their own self-interests, deciding the fate of millions of civilians; that’s not democracy, a republic or even a civilization. It’s a joke, like Biden’s “Summit of Democracy.” The politicians pretend that we live in a demoracy, while behind the curtain, they diligently work to destroy any feedom we actually have left, which is less and less, with each passing day. It’s to be expected I suppose. History shows that no republic has ever lasted; they all die by politician, (leader) coerced suicide and it’s happening again.

What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. ~ Ecclesiastes 1:9

Do Not Comply!