Sonnet #9 – Hornswoggle

Listen to “Hornswoggle”
Evening Light
Littering the Plain
Alien Beasts
Fossil Fueled Cranes
Hundreds of windmills, spread across the hill. 
Blades turning in unison with the wind.
Our dependence on oil, they hope to end.
But at what cost to our energy bill.
Like alien beasts, littering the plain.
Ugly, offensive, destroying the view.
Upsetting nature and killing birds too.
The new green deal, is completely insane.
Just another, corporate hornswoggle.
Government subsides hiding the scam.
Of the fraudulent new green deal flimflam.
An alternate energy boondoggle.
Who can afford to pay three times their bill?
As the blades get buried in some landfill.
Too bad the plastic windmills won’t last this long

2 thoughts on “Sonnet #9 – Hornswoggle”

  1. Hi, Mike, have a great Christmas and new year. I am starting to enjoy the site. Slow down and think. Some of these pictures remind me of Bakersfield CA.

    1. Thanks Dave,
      All the photos in that post are from a wind farm, just up the road, in Eastern Colorado. I watched them build it, that’s how I know it’s a Hornswoggle. Merry Christmas to you and yours, old friend!

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