“You are what you eat” ~ Victor Lindlahr
Is there anything in life, more wonderful than food? Next to clean air and water it’s the most important thing for our survival too but who sits down over a nice glass of Cabernet or Malbec to enjoy air and water? Food can be a beautiful celebration of life, with all the amazing aromas, colors and flavors. It’s medicine as well and has the power to improve your vitality, health and happiness. Healthy food not only makes you a happier person, it improves your innate immune response, protecting you from disease.
There’s a dark side to food in the present paradigm however. Food can be toxic poison. A monster was unleashed on humanity, a quarter century ago, in the name of profitability or greed, depending on perspective. Through lies, deceit, and unscrupulous behavior by government agencies and big business, it has become even more monstrous. I’m not talking about Audrey II from “Little Shop of Horrors.” The Frankenstein that was released upon humanity was Genetic Engineering, GMO’s and Glyphosate. They’re sickening and killing people at a hyperbolic rate.

The hospitals don’t actually put it on the death certificate. It usually states the cause of death as one or another chronic disease; Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease and a few others. But when we take a look at the data, there’s an obvious correlation in the prevalence of these diseases, to the increased application of glyphosate and GMO’s in the food we eat. I recognize, correlation doesn’t necessarily imply causation but there are a number of other clues that point to glyphosate and GMO’s, destroying peoples lives.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates
Glyphosate was patented in 1961 and was originally used as a descaling agent, to clean hot water systems of mineral deposits; many of the same minerals that are vital to our innate immune system. It was found to be an effective herbicide in 1970 and Monsanto brought it to market in 1974, under the trade name Roundup. In 1985 the EPA classified it as a Class C Carcinogen. Bribery and corruption, have a way of changing minds though and by 1991 the EPA modified the classification to class E, which suggests evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans. The change in glyphosate’s classification occurred precisely when Monsanto was developing its first Roundup-Ready Genetically Modified Crop. The monster was unleashed and chronic disease exploded. It’s even been patented as an antibiotic of all things; makes you wonder about the other antibiotics out there, right?

Here’s, “A Short History of Glyphosate.” In 1996, the first genetically engineered glyphosate-tolerant crops were planted. By 2016 glyphosate was found in 93% of urine samples in the United States. Since GMO’s were approved by governments in 1996, the incidence of chronic disease has doubled, tripled and in some cases increased 6 fold, in just a few short decades. The same government agencies that released a Frankenstein monster in 1996 are doing it again in 2021. Do you really think the EPA, FDA, WHO and the rest of the alphabet agencies regulating food and medicine, give a damn about your health and happiness? They were bribed and manipulated into approving a carcinogen by global mega-corporations and nothing has changed. Humanity has been getting genetically modified for a quarter of a century.
“When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.” ― Herophilus
The companies producing synthetic chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and fertilizers are not just destroying peoples lives, they are killing the planet and all the creatures that live on it. Some thirty million ag workers are poisoned by pesticides every year, as close to 8 billion pounds of chemical treatments are applied to rid our world of pests. With over 50,000 different pesticides being produced – it’s the chemical companies who are the true vermin, that we need to be rid of. The same companies all lobby against proper food labeling; imagine that. “Why do folks need to know there’s poison in their food? We’re just trying to make a profit here.” The Big Six:
- Monsanto
- Bayer
- Syngenta
- Dow
- Dupont

The same companies that produce synthetic compounds to kill the wee-beasties in nature, produce synthetic compounds to kill the wee-beasties in the human body. They don’t call them pesticides, they call it medicine. Interestingly, the same Robber Barrons that rigged the education system to produce worker clones, also wreaked havoc on the field of medicine. Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller financed the 1910 Flexner Report which changed the path of modern medicine to focus on flawed germ theory, instead of natural holistic healing. A century later the medical and pharmaceutical establishment still refuse to admit the flaws and ineffectiveness of allopathic medicine. They call it healthcare but it’s actually sick care.
“Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do “practice”?” ― George Carlin
The foundation of modern medicine is that a disease is caused by a single germ and that bacteria, fungi and viruses are the enemy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The average adult human body contains 1,000,000,000,000,000 viruses. Viruses are nature’s high speed internet, transmitting protein information between microorganisms. Viruses inhabit every element in the environment, around us. God created a perfect holistic system; everything working together for the advancement of the whole. Nature makes perfect sense; why have we let a few evil, plutocrats steer us into a dead end alley? Where sickness trumps vigor, depression steals our joy and growing food destroys the planet.

When we poison and pollute nature – the air, the water and the soil with toxins and pesticides our relationship with viruses change and not for the better as evidenced by the incidence of chronic disease. Your gut biome alone contains trillions of bacteria and viruses. The same toxic, synthetic chemicals that are destroying the planet are destroying your health and immune system. Over prescribed antibiotics, statins, blood thinners and numerous other medications are destroying lives. Over 20 million unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions are written every year for minor viral infections. In fact the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. behind heart disease and cancer, is poor medical care. Think about that!

Healthcare/Sickcare, has morphed into a profit generating machine, inextricably tied to the pharmaceutical industry and the same thing has happened to our food supply, through industrial farming. Nutrition is not even part of the curriculum in most medical schools, it’s considered a natural remedy and classified with homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture and chiropractic. Why does the medical establishment consider these natural modalities and nutrition quackery?
They can’t be patented. There’s no money to be made in teaching people to eat right, while there are huge profits to be made pedaling pharmaceuticals that treat the symptoms of disease but never actually the disease. Medical schools are subsidized by the pharmaceutical companies and after 8 years, most doctors just buy in, the same way standard education indoctrinates us to be good little worker bees and consumers. Creating a society of under-educated, over-medicated, techno-zombies; squandering away their life essence on technological bread and circuses.
“The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” ― Voltaire
Ironically, pharmaceutical companies are listed as healthcare on the S&P 500, the largest, most profitable companies in the world. There are more healthcare companies listed than any other sector. Which leaves little doubt that it’s profit, not healthcare these companies are interested in.
Since the introduction of industrial chemical farming and the profligate use of GMOs we have altered our environment to such an extent that we are destroying our innate immune systems. Autoimmune and chronic disease that previously affected a minuscule percentage of the population have exploded in the last few decades. 1 in 4 people suffer allergies. 1 in 3 are obese. 50% of women and 30% of men will develop cancer in their lifetime. Autism has risen from 1 in 5000 to 1 in 36 and there’s been a dramatic increase in immune disorders like Crohn’s, celiac disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and type 1 diabetes.
“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” ― Winston S. Churchill
With China becoming the leading user and exporter of glyphosate after the Monsanto/Bayer patent expired, use has more than doubled recently. The ubiquitous chemical is water-soluble and is contaminating ground water around the globe. In the U.S. where the mighty Mississippi transects the continent, its tributaries collect 80 percent of the agricultural runoff, not to mention pollutants dumped by the petrochemical industry. Folks at the end of the river in Baton Rouge and New Orleans have the highest cancer rates of anywhere in the Great Wide World, including the ravaged regions of industrial China. The link to glyphosate is indisputable and its not just our food, our soil and our water; glyphosate disperses in the air.
Clean air, clean water and clean food; the three most important things for living a healthy, happy life here on planet earth are all being destroyed by a chemical monster. What are we going to do about it? Sadly, it’s a difficult proposition when the alphabet regulatory agencies are in bed with the global corporations that drive the medical, pharmaceutical and food production industries. Even products labeled GMO free may have used glyphosate as a desiccant prior to harvest. Organic’s are clean but can be costly and difficult to source.
It starts with awareness. Grow your own, if you can. Support your local growers and Farmer’s Markets. Supplementing with certain herbs, minerals and vitamins can reduce inflammation, remove heavy metals and improve your natural immune system – a topic for another post, perhaps. Take care of your body, it’s the only one you get.
“The human body is the best work of art.” ― Jess C. Scott
What a great read! I can personally attest to the validity of the major talking points of this blog. I have been on an organic whole food plant-based diet for 17 months now I can’t begin to describe the benefits. I am 64 years old and I can feel the difference and you can definitely see the difference. I could go on and on about this.
Thanks, Dave. Stay happy and healthy.