We’ve been proclaiming the power of cholesterol for quite a while at 3mph. The mainstream myth is that cholesterol is bad and should be avoided, which is not just a little white lie, it’s hazardous advice and sadly it comes from numerous doctors, and nutrition experts whom you’re supposed to trust with your health. Cholesterol is one of the most important components of a healthy, life-sustaining diet.
Here are the 3 previous articles in the cholesterol chronicles if you’re interested.
They cover:
- The requirement of cholesterol for nervous system homeostasis
- Cholesterol improves cognition and brain health
- It prevents neurodegenerative diseases, (a ton of them).
- The importance of cholesterol and fatty acids to the cardiovascular system
- Improved immune system performance
- A major requirement of hormone production
#6 is the one we want to take a little deeper dive into here in chapter 4; the king of hormones is TESTOSTERONE, and YOU NEED CHOLESTEROL TO PRODUCE IT! That means sufficient animal fat, to get your cholesterol level high enough to make plenty of T. Sadly, the medical/pharmaceutical/health/diet consortium has been busy telling you the exact opposite for sixty years. Is it any wonder that male testosterone levels have been dropping since the 1960s?
We bought into the “Animals Are Friends, Not Food” concept a few years ago and practiced veganism for about a year until our iron and T levels fell into the danger zone, which woke us up and started us on a different path; doing the research that has changed our lives. Animals can be friends and food – everything’s connected. While it might be possible to stay strong, healthy, and cognitively sound by eating only plants, it will very be difficult, and you will need a pile of vitamins, minerals, and supplements. We’re speaking from experience. Humans are omnivores! New York Strip and T-Bones are superfoods, like apples and oranges. Life is about finding a balance.
Research shows men’s testosterone levels have dropped over 20% in just the last 20 years with very young men suffering significant effects, and it’s not a new trend. Seventy-year-olds in the 1980s had testosterone levels that were 100 points higher than 55-year-olds 20 years later. A 20-year-old today has an average testosterone level lower than a senior citizen from the year 2000 and the trend is getting worse every year. Of course, the Pharmaceutical industry has been all over it, suggesting that it’s all genetic, and if you weren’t lucky enough to win the high T lottery, they will be happy to set you up with some pills or supplements to help you level up.
It’s been difficult to discern the truth throughout my lifetime, as the companies that sponsor almost all of the studies, are the same companies that reap profits from conclusions, which is sheer lunacy as far as I am concerned. In the 1990s there was the FDA food pyramid, in the 1980’s we had the low-fat diet lunacy and before that, it was the saturated fat stupidity. And presently, a plant-based diet is the only way to save humanity or something. For instance, on the newly created food pyramid that required 3 years and millions of taxpayer dollars; Lucky Charms, Fruit Loops, and numerous ultra-processed brand name cereals rated as healthier choices than beef, eggs, and cheese.
It’s blatantly obvious that the corporations that create these toxic substances they call food are involved in government programs like the “Food Pyramid.” Fruit Loops…are you kidding me? Sadly, there are a lot of folks out there who buy what the government health and diet experts say. I know that because of the obesity epidemic that is directly correlated to the corporate/government food deception of the last century. I can understand why you might not want to believe that your government would intentionally attempt to destroy your health, they’re supposed to be working for you, right?
So, what do you think? Would Big Pharma and Big Ag sell products that they know will destroy your health for profit and would they pay government-sponsored psychopaths to help them do it? Would they all lie to us about the dangers of saturated fat and cholesterol so they could sell us dangerous, industrial wastes, like cottonseed oil, deodorized and disguised as a healthy alternative to beef tallow and butter? Would they spend millions of your tax dollars creating a dietary program listing heavily processed, extruded cereal grains laced with seed oil and corn syrup as healthier choices than steak and eggs? “YES, they would.”
But this isn’t about conspiracies, corporate food conglomerates, NGOs, government experts, or genetics. It’s about the falling trend in men’s testosterone. At the present rate, there won’t be any men left in another 60 years, hmm. Saturated fat is King when it comes to testosterone, so you need to get plenty. Numerous studies show for the best hormone production 40% of your calories should come from fat. All 3 macros though have a Goldilocks zone and it’s important to find the zone that works best for you. All macros are important and getting trapped in one of the current diet crazes almost always does more damage than good. Going low is not the way, whether it’s low carb, low fat, or low protein.
“The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” ~ Julia Child
There are 3 types of fat. Saturated fat, mono-unsaturated fat, and poly-unsaturated fat, (PUFAs). PUFAs have a double carbon bond that makes them very unstable especially when heated. Saturated and monounsaturated fats have both been shown in multiple animal studies to increase testosterone. The instability of PUFAs causes issues with energy production,(metabolism) and creates oxidative stress, (inflammation). They also do not provide the nutrients, (cholesterol) that produce the hormones your body requires, like testosterone.
Great read! Curious if you’ve heard of the book Outlive by DR. Peter Attia? If not you may be interested in it, you can also listen to it on Audible.
Thanks Jerrid, We have it in hardback and Audible. We tune into his podcast once in a while too. Thanks for stopping by.