
Can you hear “The Great Reset” Buzzz?

Opportunity, Equality, Dignity, Sustainability, Recovery, Collaborative, Cooperative, Initiative, Inclusive, Expertise, Urgent, Crisis.

The cacophonous buzz, like a hive of killer bees permeates our psyche. All the right buzz words, as numerous stakeholders explain to us plebs why we should give up our freedoms, implant some new technology into our heads, so that we can become hive-minded.

Individualism, freedom and liberty are so old school, so pre-Industrial Revolution. We are all in this together. COVID-19 has been a great accelerator of change, speeding up the transformation of our society by the day.

More buzz; unity, solidarity, collectively, digital economy, digital society. Heck, we can even, “Own nothing and be happy.”

“We are at the dawn of an extremely exciting time” – John Kerry.

I call bullshit.

The vast majority of the global economy has been balancing on the precipice since 2008. Precariously teetering on the edge of a great chasm of depression and depravity, holding on by a thread. Ok, the thread is a metaphor for the massive leverage and fiat stimulus provided by Central Bankers. The can has been kicked about as far down the road as possible, setting us up for the mother of all stagflationary implosions. A black hole so vast, it will gobble up everything; the small business sector along with all the zombie corporations that the central bankers kept alive with “Soylent Stimulus.” The only thing left will be Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target and the other Mega-Corps that sit on the board at WEF.

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world.” -Klaus Schwab

“The Great Reset” is nothing new. The globalists that drive the World Economic Forum seen the writing on the wall years ago. They have been planning for decades. I have seen comparisons of Klaus Schwab to Dr. Strangelove or some other Bond villain but these people probably aren’t evil. They really, truly think that they are smarter than us worthless eaters and believe in their hearts that we should turn over our freedom to them, so they can build a better society for all of us. It reminds me of the pigs in Orwell’s Animal Farm; “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Or, maybe they are evil corporate sociopaths and just unable to keep the bubble inflated any longer, so they need a hard reset; a debt jubilee and while they are at it, might as well outlaw any competition from the only system that ever actually worked, if only for a short time – true capitalism. Not the government sponsored, over regulated, crony capitalism that we have in the present paradigm. Do you find it interesting that while almost all small business activity is stifled and entrepreneurs are bankrupted, Wal-Mart, Target, Costco and the other mega-corps flourish during Coronapocolypse? 

 More and more evidence is coming out about COVID-19. Dr. Tom Cowan’s evidence, shows that the genetic sequence of “the virus” was cobbled together, piecemeal, from databases, based on zero science. In other words, the “sequencing” was a fraud. For months, Jon Rappaport has been providing evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been proven to exist. Here is a link to Jon;

Yet governments all over the globe are shutting down small business and locking down their citizens – again.

People are done with this farce, this fraud, this propaganda. The revolution is starting. All we hear is cases are going through the roof, you should be scared shitless, you stupid sheep. They don’t report that the virus isn’t really doing anything.

The rate of death has dropped 80% since spring and the survival rate is roughly 99.9% People are not buying it anymore. Here in Colorado, they can see that the folks are fed up. They have created a new color code in the lockdown scheme. We are currently in stage red but it is not the same stage red as this spring when they closed up all the restaurants and told people to stay home. They have added a new color to the dial, so they can say we are at severe risk without shutting everything down again. They are still testing the water.

They are pretty sure if they try and lock everything up again the peeps will rise up and resist, pitchforks and torches blazing, so they are treading very lightly. The resistance has begun though in other locations, all around the globe. It is not getting a lot of press because the media outlets are busy ratcheting up the fear dial towards orange, red and purple, in the attempt to scare the shit out of us, so we don’t see that no one is dying and hospitals are empty. But, but, but, cases are way up. It’s like the vote in the recent elections, more positive cases in the county than people – oops.

Things are unfolding pretty quickly. A year ago, much of what we see on the horizon was considered to be crazy conspiracy theories; Universal Basic Income, Travel Papers, Mandatory GPS Tracking, Cashless Society, Microchips, Mandatory Vaccines. Now these crazy conspiracy theories are all part of the governmental solution to the pandemic or the plan for “The Great Reset.” Never let a good crisis go to waste, I guess.

I wrote an essay about a year and a half ago on collectivism with a quote from Mein Kampf, here is the link and a little of the quote.

The False Dichotomy of Collectivism

The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the masses. The broad masses of the people are but a vacillating crowd of human children who are constantly wavering between one idea and another. The great majority of a nation is so feminine in its character and outlook that its thought and conduct are ruled by sentiment rather than by sober reasoning. This sentiment, however, is not complex, but simple and consistent. It is not highly differentiated, but has only the negative and positive notions of love and hatred, right and wrong, truth and falsehood. – Adolf Hitler

Chinese Propaganda – A 1000 years of happiness.

Is “The Great Reset” a Redux of the “Great Leap Forward?” It’s funny how totalitarian, communist regimes always use “great” in the title of their forced destruction of the peoples freedoms and liberties. Mao argued that it was necessary for China to “strike while the iron was hot.” Sounds a lot like Dr. Schwab’s, “rare and narrow window of opportunity.” Official slogans, (propaganda) promised something in return. One sonorous slogan of this time said, “Hard work for a few years was then to be followed by a thousand years of happiness.” That was the propaganda, but the reality was that harvests failed, and the Great Famine followed. This was the greatest famine in human history. It matched the pattern of events in the Ukraine “terror famine” of 1932 and 1933, in the Soviet Union under Stalin. Interestingly, the “Great Leap Forward” was about Mao leaping past Ol’ Joe. Chairman Mao modeled China’s communism after Joe Stalin’s communism, another charismatic totalitarian who understood how to use propaganda. “Workers of the World, unite.” I wonder what Schwab’s Communism 3.0 is modeled on.

Mao didn’t just leap a little past Joe either, he more than doubled the death toll, with an estimated 45 million lives lost. The greatest mass murderer of all time. Stalin was no slouch either. It is estimated that 20 million died in the Soviet Union under his reign of terror. The period from 1936 until 1938 was known as the Great Purge, sounds a lot like the Great Reset, hmm. During the peak period of terror in 1937 and 1938, Stalin’s security organizations carried out an average of 1,000 executions a day.

To this day, both men in their respective countries are seen as great and charismatic leaders. That is the power of propaganda. It is not about sober reasoning or historical cycles repeating, it is about feelings, sentiment and notions of love and fear.

It is about to get very interesting, boys and girls. Like Klaus says, the window of opportunity is rare and narrow. Don’t be seduced by the pied pipers of collectivism or the poetic buzz words and don’t buy into the fear. I am reminded of the F.E.A.R. acronym – False Evidence Appearing Real. Lies, lies and damn lies. The choice is simple. Are you an individual or just part of the hive?

Parting Shot

Got a few more minutes – Here is Paul Joseph Watson @ Summit News, on the topic.