As if raging inflation, vaccine mandates, a border disaster, the Afganistan debacle, an energy crisis, the breakdown of the supply chain and renewed racial tensions weren’t enough, now Joe “Crash Test Dummy” Biden is rattling his sabre and pressing for war with not one, not two but three different countries. Confronting China over Taiwan, Russia over Ukraine and Iran over their nuclear program.
“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” ― Ernest Hemingway
Who the hell does he think he’s going to send into battle after threatening the strong, young men of our military with being relieved of duty, if they dared stand up to his illegal vaccine mandates. It’s becoming more obvious every day that Biden was inserted as POTUS, so the formerly free Republic of the United States of America can be destroyed, laid to waste and usurped by the Global Plutarchy.
The “Crash Test Dummy” blathers on, making claims about wanting peace, while fueling the fires of three separate, potential conflicts. Like an inept juggler, with lighted sticks of dynamite. He looks like “Wiley E. Coyote.” There is no sound reason for the U.S. to be involved in any one of these conflicts, let alone all three. This shit has been going on since Teddy Roosevelt. Why is it that we continually elect leaders that hate the idea peace?
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” ― Jimi Hendrix
The Agenda
“The Agenda” is not the agenda of this, or that POTUS but of the Plutocrats that pull the puppet strings. They have moved too fast though and let the coyote out of the bag. They played their hand, going all in, on the fear porn of a viral pandemic. COVID, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, passports, (papers please) and now the laughable Omicron variant. How stupid and gullible do they think we are?
Pretty gullible it seems, (be afraid, be very afraid) as the G7 health ministers held emergency meetings on Omicron, deciding how quickly they need to shut borders and lock us all down again. The “WHO” suggested the risk is “very high” and of course Pfizer and Moderna are working on a new Omicron-specific mRNA cocktail. Saying the original double jab that netted them over $100,000,000,000 is just not up to dealing with the 32 headed, mutant Omicron monster. Another 100 billion or so dollars for them. “Crash Test Dummy,” says “not a cause for panic.” Perhaps he means there are other things to invest your panic in, like World War III.
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” ― Albert Einstein
Make War
The COVID bluff is falling apart before their eyes and they’re scrambling in sheer panic. Falling back on their proven strategy; make war. It’s worked pretty well in the past but it’s looking like the folks are waking up to the deception. The cards are on the table. Two deuces does not trump freedom. All over the Great Wide World, the peasants are protesting against their deranged governments, who have their noses so far up the elite, fat cats asses, it’s amazing they can still breathe. Like Plutocrat popsicle sticks.
Presently the demonstrations are mostly peaceful. The folks just want to be left alone to live their lives in peace. If the Oligarchs push their bluff, which is very likely, since they’ve overplayed their hand, the peaceful protest songs and signs will become pitchforks and torches. We are very close to a flashpoint. After decades of dividing the peasants by race, creed, political ideology and vaccination status, they believed that the final victory was in their grasp. There’s a “Great Reset” on the horizon, it’s just not the one they expected.
“Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight.” ― Bob Marley