Freedom’s Secret

“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. ~ Maximilien Robespierre

As I’ve witnessed the evoluton of the COVID-19 Pandemic; everything in me shrieks against the narrative and propaganda that’s being hurled at humanity by the Globalists, Plutocrats and their Government lackeys. Instinct, intuition and critical thinking; all shrieking in denial of the false narrative. The entire thing’s one big scam to wrest any remaining semblance of freedom away from the many and deliver control to the few. They own the media and have been bombarding the herd incessantly with the most unbelievable lies. We’ve been in the fast lane on the highway to hell, (tyranny) for nearly two years.

Recently though humanity is tapping the brakes and seem ready to fight back a little, against the tyranny. Austrian Asshole – Alexander Schallenberg, decided he would lockdown all the unvaccinated folks in Austria. The police and army however had a different plan and refused to have anything to do with his health pass and will join in a large demonstration in Vienna today in the name of freedom and human dignity.

A good old-fashioned military coup would be a beautiful thing. It would go a long way in putting the power hungry politicians and tyrants around the World, on notice. That’s a contagion I can get onboard with. Military and police, defending humanity, our children, our families and our freedom from tyranny. 

“Evil usually enters the world unrecognized by the people who open the door and let it in. Most people who perpetrate evil do not see what they are doing as evil.” ~ Roy Baumeister

The Covidian Cult insists we conform to the narrative, shaming and threatening anyone that makes independent choices. The exact same, shame culture was used on ordinary Germans, four generations ago, impelling them to commit horrible crimes on their neighbors, rather than suffer the stigma of cowardice and weakness. Or worse, isolation and alienation from their comrades. Cancel Culture’s not new, it’s just a warmed up Nazi strategy.

America is finally waking up too. The leader of the Oklahoma National Guard, Adjutant General Thomas Mancino, just said no to Slow Joe’s illegal Military Mandate. Stating none of the Oklahoma Guard’s members are required to be vaxxed.

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” ― John F. Kennedy

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals also affirmed its decision to place a stay on another of Biden’s illegal mandates, targeting employers with over 100 workers. Stating the obvious; “OSHA does not have jurisdiction over the seasonal flu.” The Department of Labor also announced that they’ve suspended their implementation of the national vaccine mandate. Ordering OSHA to back off and take no steps to implement Brain-dead’s mandate. 

Not that you’d know anything about it if you get your information from the MSM, because it seems that it’s not important enough to talk about – imagine that. So, if your employer tells you the Dec. 4 deadline is a federal requirement, your employer is lying.

 In a vote reminiscent of the state’s “Live Free Or Die” motto, New Hampshire lawmakers passed a legislative amendment on Nov. 17 that would prohibit any COVID-19 vaccine mandate in the New England state. Rep. Rick Ladd stated the amendment provides that “no New Hampshire entity shall compel receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine by anyone who objects to such vaccination for any reason.”

“A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims… but accomplices.” ~ George Orwell

Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, South Carolina, Utah, and West Virginia filed a lawsuit this week against the unlawful vaccine mandate for healthcare workers, blasting the administration for “playing statutory shell games with the courts” and “straining to justify an unjustifiable and unprecedented attempt to federalize public health policy and diminish the sovereign States’ constitutional powers.” So there are now 22 states that have filed a suit over the unconstitutional overreach. “Let’s Go Brandon.”

Meanwhile, down at the Pub.

Florida freedom fighter, Ron DeSantis signed four bills into law on Thursday that will make it much more difficult for the tyrannical Biden regime to coerce businesses into forcing workers to be jabbed. It hasn’t stopped him from trying though. He’s still attempting to cajole business owners into innoculating the herd, even as the courts are upholding the Constitution.

And yesterday, a jury of 12 of his peers proclaimed Kyle Rittenhouse “NOT GUILTY” of all charges. It’s not that it wasn’t obvious when reviewing the evidence that he wasn’t guilty, it was – that’s the beauty of it. The truth may just have the power to wake up a few of the woke mob, who are trapped in their leftist echo chambers, buying whatever the media proclaim as right and true. Just trying to count all the lies spewed about Rittenhouse by the plutocrat owned propaganda mills, (MSM) would be a leviathan task. Slow Joe even made up a story for his own gain but that’s to be expected, I suppose.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good perfect and pleasing will.” — Romans 12:2

 Be Courageous. 
Renew Your Mind. 
Do Not Conform.

Live Free or Die