King Joe, the corrupt, puppet-tyrant, seems to be blessed with an inverted Midas touch. Everything he touches is quickly reduced to a steaming pile of shit. Perhaps the legendary Obama got it right when he so eloquently stated. “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” A sign of the times, I suppose. The great inversion is upon us. Left is right, right is wrong, boys are girls, tyranny is good and good is evil.
The shit piles are stacking up so quickly; there is no way Slow Joe can navigate the minefield, in his incapacitated mental state. Complete incompetence and one crisis after another has brought us right to the edge of the precipice, in less than a year. His approval rating has already gone over the high side, plummeting well below 40% on numerous polls. Even considering Obama’s warning, the speed and trajectory of this unmitigated disaster is mind boggling.
Short list of Joe’s disasters, in alphabetical order:
- Afganistan disaster
- Border crisis
- COVID meltdown
- Deadly Inflation
- Energy crisis
- Supply chain breakdown
These are just the crises that he has turned into disasters and does not include his 66 executive orders, illegal mandates and other assorted tyrannical, freedom destroying accomplishments. He has done more to steal our freedoms and liberty in 10 months than FDR did in 4 terms. To be completely honest, the supply chain breakdown is more about misguided California green politics and an over dependence on the hemorrhaging Chinese Industrial complex.
But Joe said he was going to fix it, by bringing in the National Guard. The Guard is already driving school buses in Massachusetts and on tour as healthcare workers in New York, where they fired 1000’s of Doctors and Nurses for standing up to the tyrannical vaccine mandates. Now the California Guard are headed to Los Angeles and 24/7 shifts as dock workers. What is it with politicians calling on the National Guard to fix the multitude of management failures? Maybe they’re just preparing us for having a Storm Trooper on every corner, like Australia.
So while Joe isn’t the one to blame for the supply chain breakdown just yet, don’t underestimate his ability to make the problem significantly worse. I think we can trust Obama’s judgement on that. If you think the shelves at Costco look barren now, just wait until Joe applies his inverted Midas touch. He’s right about one thing. It’s going to be a long, “Dark Winter.”

King Midas and King Joe have a few other things in common. Midas was not very bright and Joe’s cognitive skills were pretty limited, even before multiple brain surgeries. Apollo, son of Zeus, gave Midas the ears of an ass, after one of his stupid utterances. Obama did something similar by letting Biden’s secret out of the bag – Ass Ears. Not that it hasn’t become obvious. The entire world is waking up to the truth that King Joe is one big Jackass, with the innate ability to turn everything he touches into a pile of dung.
There are other similarities too. Midas was infatuated with the randy, Goat God – Pan and there are likely some further parallels that could be drawn but I’ve already spent more time pondering Joe than I care too. The lesson I suppose is that history is not linear, it’s cyclical and will be repeated until we finally wake up. Which is beginning to look like is not going to happen in the present cycle. Was Liberty, Freedom and Democracy, just a short lived dream?