Apolitical Blues

We’re apolitical at 3MPH and never intended to write political essays. 3MPH is about slowing down and unplugging from the over-politicized, over-woke, over the top zietgeist that agitates our spirit and steals our joy. We adopted a simpler more sustainable way to live; moving from the 4th largest metropolitan area in the United States, to one of the least populated counties on the High Plains.

I gave up on politics a long time ago, when I realized my vote didn’t really count and that democracy was an illusion; a fantasy. The only vote that counts is to vote with your feet. To walk away from the high-stress, technocratic, American Nightmare. A system so corrupt and unsustainable that failure is inevitable. We determined that the best solution was to find a peaceful refuge to await the inevitable.

Approaching Apocolypse

A little cottage, a few blocks, from the middle of nowhere. The inevitable showed up a lot sooner than we expected however. Our High Plains Hide-away, shielded us from the brunt of the approaching apocolypse for a number of years but recently the inevitable has shifted into high gear. Creating chaos across the land.

The ugly face of inevitablity in the Land of the Free, is a career politician; Brandon from Scranton. “Let’s Go Brandon.” He’s the King of Fuckery and pretty much turns everything he touches into a major disaster. In fact, he’s gone from being the most popular President of all time to being the most hated President of all time, in less than a year. A walking, talking disaster.

Okay, the walking and talking is probably a strecth but there is no doubt about what a disaster he is. But not even someone as misguided, incompetent, stupid and corrupt as Joe Biden, could accidentally or even purposefully cause so much damage, in such a short amount of time. There has to be something deeper and darker at play. Which is why we’re writing political essays, instead of planting flowers around the cottage.

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. “One word of truth outweighs the world.” ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn 

Gradually and Then Suddenly

Totalitarian regimes all begin with incremental steps and slowly freedoms are curtailed, undermined and stolen for the sake of security, safety or some other contrived propriety. No one speaks for those being targeted or resists the early minor acts of oppression. Then slowly but inexorably the population is indoctrinated, without even recognizing what is happening. If we look back into history a bit, we can see how entire populations were conditioned to accept unspeakable cruelty on fellow humans. Think Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

People, standing by, desensitized and disconnected; witnessing injustices and wretched horrors to their family, friends and neighbors. And it’s happening right now, in the present moment. In Pennsylvania recently on a commuter train, a man assaulted and then raped a woman for nearly an hour as fellow travelers got on and off the train at dozens of stops. 

Not one single person attempted to stop the evil son of a bitch. Not one single person called 911. Instead they filmed it with their cell phones. That’s disconnected from reality folks and a sure sign we’re on a collision course with dark times. I may be old fashioned but I would have grabbed up the heaviest object I could lay my hands on and beaten that evil bastard to a bloody pulp.


You can disassociate from the violence, convince yourself that you’re somehow different from the victims but evil is still evil, no matter what disguise it wears. By doing nothing, by being bystanders to injustice, hate and evil; good people become just as responsible as the psychopaths and perpetrators.

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” —Albert Einstein 

American society is being violated, brutalized and raped by evil, elite plutocrats and their government puppets, through the implementation of forced injections and illegal mandates.  It’s time to do something! It’s not just your neighbor or the woman on the train evil is coming for. It’s coming for you.

Parting Shot. Little Feat, Apolitical Blues – 1973

1 thought on “Apolitical Blues”

  1. Awesome blog Mike, I love these. And I’m sad to say that I believe you are 100% correct.

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