“_____ Joe Biden”

Is the collective consciousness of the Great Wide World waking up, after nearly two years of lies, deceit and lockdowns from totalitarian regimes, pretending to be governments? Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was forced to scrap Vaccine Passport plans and end totalitarian pandemic emergency powers, because the plebs decided to just say no to tyranny. 

 My heart did a little jig for joy this weekend as hundreds of thousands of football fans, filled stadiums – maskless, exuberantly chanting those fateful words heard around the world, “Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Joe Biden. Fuck Joe Biden.” The melodic chant reverberating through the stadiums. Young people at liberal universities tired of the tyranny, raising a glorious sound. A powerful and wonderful sight to behold. 

“There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.”  ― Robert A. Heinlein

I was beginning to wonder if the folks were going to wakeup but it looks like the empty suit, Joe “My Patience is Wearing Thin” Biden, finally stepped across the line with his tyrannical rant, “Get vaxxed or else” and folks are letting him know; they’re not buying his bullshit! “Fuck Joe Biden.”

The truth about the infamous Dr. “I don’t have a really firm answer on that” Fauci, may have him on the run to some South American hidey-hole, like his fellow Nazi’s of days gone by. He should be hanged from the neck until dead or perhaps injected with a 1000 doses of Moderna’s extra powerful, mRNA witches brew. Death by a thousand jabs, for the genocidal, criminal negligence he is guilty of. But I expect they’ll let him slip out the back.

The most vaccinated country in the galaxy, Israel has locked up the country until further notice; entry to Israel is officially off limits to everyone in the Great Wide World. The Ministry of Health has permitted a very limited number of vaccinated groups from various countries who were “deemed safe”, to enter Israel as a study case. Maybe they should have studied the efficacy of the gene therapy brew before they injected the entire population; three times. Do you need any further proof that this so called vaccine does not work? At least to stop a virus. I’m sure it does something, the million dollar question is, what exactly?

Children’s Health Defense launched a nationwide “Walk Out Week” starting on September 13 in response to mask and vaccine mandates in schools and businesses around the country. Parents, educators and concerned citizens across the U.S. will participate in the coordinated week-long event focused on peaceful non-compliance, to remind government officials that individuals should have the final say when it comes to their health and that of their children.

Which reminds me of Ol’ Joe’s illegal, illogical lawsuit against The Great State of Texas for making the murder of unborn humans against the rules. Perhaps he’s concerned there won’t be enough fetal stem cells to produce the vaccine for rounds four and five of the required booster jabs.  Joe reckons The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution guarantees feminists the right to personal autonomy, which means that decisions regarding personal life are none of the government’s business.

Yet out the other side of his mouth it’s; get in line and get jabbed to protect your neighbor from the common cold because I said so and my patience is wearing thin. Get vaxxed or lose your job, your children and your social security. I’m from the government and I’m here to help. No Thanks. “Fuck Joe Biden.”

“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.”  ― Mark Twain

The sad truth is that no one even keeps statistics on late term abortions but they report in exaggerated detail the number of COVID deaths, even though most are not caused by COVID but old age, obesity, high blood pressure or some other comorbidity. Even with that there were about 350,000 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in 2020. The yearly average for abortion is around 1 million. 18% of pregnancies are terminated by abortion and Joe wants to sue Texas, because they’re attempting to stop the insanity. “Fuck Joe Biden.”

Recent events make me hopeful that folks are waking up to the truth of what’s happening. It’s going to make the world a more dangerous place however, as folks dig in their heels. The oligarchy know that this is their last chance. Unlike previous efforts, (global warming) they recognize, if they lose this battle they will lose the war. They won’t give up peacefully!

Biden is a bought and paid for stooge and will continue to do their bidding. He’s an evil, heartless, self serving narcissist and a blathering idiot, since his two brain surgeries in 1988, to repair multiple aneurysms. The neurosurgeon gave him a less than 50% chance at recovery. He didn’t recover, that’s painfully obvious and now he believes he can appoint himself dictator. “Fuck Joe Biden.”

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