I made a resolution to quit the news back in January but have recently started perusing some stories on the World Wide Web. I’m not sure if it’s my addictive behavior kicking in, or a need to know what’s up, out there in the Great Wide World, as the signs continue to stack up that a socioeconomic implosion is just around the corner.
Some days it’s hard to believe that it’s all real. It seems like a plot from an Austin Powers movie. But trying to sort out which of the evil villains is the evilest, is nearly impossible. There is the richer than rich, trilateral pack of evil megalomaniacal wolves; Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and George Soros.
They believe that it’s their duty to save the world from the worthless eaters, who reproduce like rabbits and are destroying the planet. Wolves in Philanthropists clothing, they go about fixing all the problems of the World with; “The Great Reset” – “You will be a slave and you will like it.”
Dr. Evil
What about Dr. Evil himself – Anthony Fauci? Once he was fully invested in all the vaccine creators and distributors in Big Pharma, he financed the development of the Covid-19 virus. Tell me that isn’t a plot line right out of an Austin Powers movie. He has overplayed has hand though as Chief Medical Advisor to the Biden administration, as the whole Covid-19 story blows up in his face.
“Masks up, no masks down. I mean masks up, no down. I mean two masks and two jabs. No, no. What did I say last week? Whatever. You know what I mean. A mask for Covid-19, a mask for the Delta Variant, then a couple Pfizer doses and a couple doses of Moderna and you should be good to go, at least for a couple months or until you succumb to thrombotic organ failure.”
They are attempting to get as many folks dosed as possible with the rollout of $100 debit cards, Walmart gift cards and totalitarian intimidation. Show proof of inoculation if you work for the government or else. There’s even talk of door to door visits from the National Guard.
Are You Scared, Yet?
Once they have scared as many of the over-sexualized rabbits as they can into getting jabbed, they will announce that the existing vaccine just isn’t strong enough for the Delta variant. No need to worry though, the Superstars of Science, (Big Pharma) will be back at work in their laboratories to find a cure for the common cold. But to protect you from the sniffles or a minor headache, we will need to go into lockdown mode once again.
Then there’s our fearless leader Ol’ Joe. The sham, puppet President. The front man for the evil wizard behind the curtain, who hides in the wings and pulls Ol’ Joe’s strings. The master of disaster. The one, the only, Bark O’bummer, who tirelessly works to destroy the Republic.
Don’t forget about Ol’ Joe’s merry, drunkin’ sidekick; Speaker of the House – Pelosi. Like Batman and Robin, they protect the nation against the other half of the nation; you know, the domestic terrorists, that supported the most vile and evil of them all – “The Donald.”
Rocket Man
If that isn’t enough, we have a new Rocket Man, to replace the old Rocket Man, who is laughing in his pillbox, because Ol’ Joe has replaced him as the looniest leader in the Great Wide World. Meanwhile the new Rocket Man has his best day ever, after blasting into space.
Becoming the second evil billionaire in just over a week to spend enough money to feed every hungry person in the country for the rest of the year, to take a joy ride in his phallic rocket ship. “More fun than bankrupting all of the small businesses in the Western World,” he chuckled, to his megalomaniacal buddies.
And that’s only scratching the surface folks, of what’s going on out there, in the Great Wide World, as the we circle the toilet bowl. You’ve gotta laugh though. It’s the only medicine that works, as we churn relentlessly towards the edge of the precipice. Laugh and the World Laughs with You!