The Insanity of War

The depravity and insanity of the neocons have been off the charts lately, the cacophony of their war drums deafening. How confused and insane do you have to be to think that more war, death, and destruction are the way forward? Thankfully, a few of the sane leaders in our world sat down recently in Riyadh to begin a process aimed at peace. Perhaps Trump and Putin will cancel WWIII after all.

Cancel the War!

I can understand why leftists hate Trump so much. What is difficult to understand is how they can support a war that should never have happened and probably wouldn’t have if Obama had not bankrolled a bloody political uprising in Ukraine in 2014. However, that information has been banned from the present war narrative that paints Putin as the evil villain.

Okay, perhaps I do understand how they can support war and regime change. Humans have been tearing each other apart since they figured out how to sharpen sticks. At its core, it’s a cocktail of primal instincts and complex social constructs. Fear, greed, and the lust for power are a big part of it, and evolutionary leftovers exacerbate the problem. At a deeper level, it’s our collective failure to outgrow our worst impulses. The real insanity? We keep doing it, century after century like we’re stuck in a doom loop we can’t—or won’t—break.

Peace can never be attained through war, all that can be accomplished is restrained hostility. There is never a victory in war; it just transmutes visible conflict into invisible conflict. War should always be the last option and only taken when all other routes for resolving conflict have been thoroughly exhausted. Peace is achieved through peaceful actions designed to foster mutual understanding and love, not through hostility, aggression, and violence meant to subdue an adversary.

Following the money is always the key when trying to make sense of why humans brutally slaughter each other. As the Trump team works diligently to broker peace between Russia and Ukraine, the European NATO bloc is doing exactly the opposite, holding meetings to determine how to escalate the conflict. They are furious at Trump for outing Zelensky as an extortionist and dictator. I hope sanity will prevail, but anger, evil, and money are involved, which usually doesn’t bode well for peace.

Give Us Our War Back

The Fearless Forecaster, Martin Armstrong, says Socrates is predicting a powerful pivot on May 15th, which is likely created by the beginning of WWIII. All will be known in due time, I suppose, but the tea leaves look grim—Ukraine’s grinding on, with Russia doubling down and NATO inching closer to the fray. Gaza’s a live wire, and Taiwan’s a coin toss with China’s navy flexing.

Markets are jittery, too—U.S. debt ceiling talks are looming again, and inflation’s still biting. Armstrong’s model is flagging 2025 as a peak in the “war cycle” syncing with an economic downturn. We could see a market crash, a war escalation, or both. On the plus side, Armstrong’s pivot point is still three months away.

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