
God has blessed us with many wonderful gifts. Our brains are splendidly crafted, decision-making super computers. We don’t need to consider breathing, heart rate and many other routine functions. Very handy back in the day. We could just turn over all the mundane tasks to autopilot, so we could focus on chasing down a Wolly Mammoth for lunch.

And even if a Sabre-toothed Tiger showed up, our flight or fight firmware automatically engaged. Leaving us only one simple decision to make. Our amazing autopilot system was a godsend when we were running for our life, with a hungry Sabre-toothed Tiger hot on our trail. An evolutionary super power that prevented our brain from blowing a gasket.

Tiger By The Tail

Modern life though, has hijacked our operating system. What once protected us, so we could live our best life is now disconnecting us from that life. In the present paradigm, running our life on autopilot, could be as dangerous as grabbing a Sabre-toothed Tiger by the tail. Sleep-walking with our autopilot on, into the choices and decisions we make in our life and our relationships, make it nearly impossible to be fully engaged. 

Much of the technology that surrounds us is designed to hook our attention. Keep watching, keep scrolling, is the message we are constantly bombarded with. The next episode auto starting, as we finish watching one. Often we can’t even remember what we watched the next day. Or what we ate, or what we wore, or what we discussed with our family and friends. In one study, 96% of people admit to making most of their 35,000 daily decisions, while in autopilot. A nation of distracted Zombies, trapped by boredom, busyness and routine.

Autopilot Happens

Shit happens. Autopilot does too. I don’t reckon anyone sat down and said screw it, I’m just going to kick back and engage the autopilot for the rest of my life. Routine leads to more routine and habits drive focus. Living on purpose with intention is the opposite of autopilot and sleepwalking. You may still be alive but are you living? Perhaps it’s time to go after a Sabre-toothed Tiger or some other challenge that will take you closer to your purpose and make you feel alive.

One of the biggest regrets folks have on their deathbed is that they spent their entire life, living a life that other’s expected from them, instead of the life they really wanted to live. They traded their deepest desire for acceptance. It’s not too late to liberate yourself from a life on autopilot. Awareness is the key. Make a conscious decision to pay more attention to what you are doing and why you are doing it. It’s ok to say NO to people. It’s your life, not theirs. Live your life on purpose with your whole heart and soul.