Three or four decades ago, all the Miss America Pageant contestants and most Western World leaders wanted World Peace. World leaders are presently all in for World War III – A war that cannot be won. Do they imagine that they can hide in their bunkers and come out the other side of a Nuclear War with a planet and a society worth living on or in?
When the Cold War ended 33 years ago, there was plenty of optimism about global cooperation, especially with the collapse of Communism and the spread of liberal values. The U.S. was driving the bus, and the concept of fewer wars and reduced military spending had folks pretty cheery about the possibilities for mankind. It looked like World Peace finally had a chance. So, what happened?
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” ~ Jimi Hendrix
At about the same time Communism collapsed, the term “New World Order” became part of the political lexicon. H.G. Wells had used the phrase in some of his works a half-century before, but it never really took off, even though he was talking about the same thing as Bush and the rest of the Politicos at the turn of the century – “A one world government.” Intellectuals have seen global government as the solution to all of society’s ills for a long time.
Colonialism on Steroids
Globalism, however, is just colonialism on steroids. European powers like Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Britain, and France established vast colonial empires that integrated various parts of the world under their rule. Resources, labor (usually slavery), and manufactured goods moved between colonies and cities, creating the precursor to globalism. The Transatlantic Slave Trade and the global financial center established in London were the beginnings of the “New World Order.”
A one-world government has been soundly rejected so far, except for some military and trade alliances, however, in the 21st century, globalist institutions have turned up the heat. The World Health Organization had everyone in lockstep during the COVID crisis. Masking, distancing, capacity limits, and travel restrictions were prescribed for every Western country. They closed the family-owned businesses while allowing the big globalist corporations to remain open.
Globalist organizations had prophesied how economic globalization would bring peace and prosperity, but the opposite has happened. Almost every Western country is mired in debt and dealing with a broken economy, broken infrastructure, and broke citizens. Many folks are angry about what has transpired, and it’s fueled numerous populist and nationalist movements. Leaders of these movements favor more aggressive stances, rejecting globalism in favor of national interests.
Panic Attack
So, the globalists are in a panic that all their diligent efforts over the last four centuries are about to be discovered for what they are. They want the World, and they fully intend to get it even if there’s not much of it left to govern once they blow it to smithereens with nuclear warheads. In a classified document approved this Spring, Biden ordered U.S. Forces to prepare for possible nuclear confrontations with Russia, China, and North Korea.
“It’s a near miracle that nuclear war has so far been avoided.” ~ Noam Chomsky
The US government is also buying a significant position in Amgen’s Nplate, a medicine developed for radiation exposure. Am I just being paranoid, or do they believe the best path forward (because of the climate crisis malarkey and a 33 trillion dollar debt that can never be repaid) is to start a Nuclear War?
I started this essay a month ago after seeing both parties unify, with Kennedy and Gabbard joining the Trump train. It looked like Peace had a chance again as America jumped on board, a mandate that they were tired of war (both internal and external) and wanted a lasting peace that these patriots said was possible. War and Peace is a tough concept; nuclear annihilation isn’t that much fun to write about, so I put the article on the back burner.
Then, a couple of days ago, the bureaucrats that drive the Biden Bus decided the best way forward was to launch a half-dozen ATACMS missiles into Russia – A direct violation of the Russian Nuclear Doctrine and a Declaration of War. So, obviously, I’m not just being paranoid. I pray that the whole mess is more propaganda to scare the shit out of everyone and won’t turn into an actual nuclear holocaust that destroys the World. All will be known in due time.