As I gaze out upon the Great Wide World from my vantage point, high above a Fruited Plain, it appears to me as if we’ve lost our way. It seems like there’s no longer a collective ideology for society to organize around. For centuries, Western civilization was steered by the philosophy of liberalism. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, free people and free markets were the tenets we organized our societies around.
Then, as has been the case throughout history, progressives thought they could mitigate the dark side of capitalism and smooth out the business cycle by regulating and controlling the freedoms we fervently cherish. And while capitalism hasn’t always been a perfect system; with some exploiting its weaknesses, like the Robber Barons of the 19th century and tech moguls of the 21st. American free enterprise has been the greatest engine for prosperity and liberty in the history of the World, liberating folks from poverty not only in the United States but all over the planet.
Recently however there has been a significant decline in economic growth and innovation. Progressive governmental policies, mandates and laws have caused the American economy to dangerously contract, creating instability and chaos. Sensible regulations that protect the environment, public health and civil rights are important, but government regulation almost always disrupts the marketplace, as corrupt bureaucrats believe they’re entitled to choose the winners and losers among companies and technologies.
Poorly designed regulations cause more harm than good, stifle innovation and often harm the people they’re supposed to protect. The bigger problem though is that a regulatory state almost always mutates into a predatory state, as government agencies collude with big-business, big-agriculture and big-pharma to craft predatory regulations that destroy small businesses and impoverish the constituency they are supposed to be serving.
So here we are, a quarter of the way through the 21st century and both liberalism and capitalism seemed to have failed, just like socialism and communism. The republic of the United States is very close to succumbing to corruption and autocracy in the same manner as the republic of Ancient Rome so many centuries ago, as history repeats. Society seems to be devolving to governance by monarchy, like the darkest of the dark ages. Is it any wonder why everyone seems “Dazed & Confused?”
There’s no collective ideology that makes sense anymore, at least to 99% of the population. Capitalism, conservatism, liberalism, socialism and communism look like the hollowed out ruins of Ancient Rome. All that remains is the monopoly seeking, global capitalistic regime, that rules the world in the same fashion as the evil “John – King of England” ruled during the Middle Ages. We have only two classes of people in the present paradigm — Lords (1%) and peasants (99%).
I’m not suggesting that society is doomed and circling the toilet bowl. On the contrary I believe that God has a plan. It’s just that the plan doesn’t include any of these failed ideologies. We are on the precipice of something very important – no, not AI, blockchain, the rapture or “hope and change.” I really don’t have any idea what’s in store, only that with great change, comes great chaos.
Chaos Theory suggests that even dangerous and disorderly systems contain the seeds of order. When significant change to a system takes place, the system becomes unstable, swinging precariously between the old and the new. The old order must completely disintegrate before the new order can emerge. This metamorphosis manifests as chaos – a sign that change is on the way.
So, that’s what “Dazed & Confused” looks like folks. A period of utter chaos, and it’s coming to a city near you, very soon. I’m guessing sometime around early November as the Blue Tribe and the Red Tribe go to war on the election battlefield, ripping the country asunder. However, it could be sooner as the Neocons and Oligarchs attempt to start World War III in multiple theaters, and just cancel the election completely.
I’ve created a few bullets that may help you weather the coming storm, in no particular order –
- Don’t hold too tightly to your chosen dogma, belief or ideology, besides causing pain and suffering, they inhibit knowledge gathering.
- It’s always darkest before the dawn.
- You can’t avoid the process, so make the best of it.
- Prepare like a warrior.
- Be patient, change takes time.
- Have Faith
- Go Slow.
- Stay present.
- Always do your best.
Excellent read!
Thanks Dave! It’s always good to hear from you.