We discovered a new latin phrase recently;“Solvitur Ambulando” and immediately fell in love. Translation: It is Solved by Walking or It is Solved by Walking Around. I’ve seen it credited to both Diogenes and Saint Augustine, but who said it is not as interesting as how well it fits with the 3mph lifestyle. Whatever the “it” is, walking’s the cure.
With all the chubby celebrities preaching about the power of Ozempic or one of the other Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists, (GLP-1s) you might be tempted to try a prescription to help shed a few pounds, but “It is Solved by Walking.” Walking is a much better option for weight control, and recent studies published in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) show that walking is actually the prescription we should all be seeking.
“Above all, do not lose your desire to walk: every day I walk myself into a state of well being and walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.” ~ Søren Kierkegaard
Walking reduces cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and lowers stroke risk. It also significantly reduces your risk of 13 different cancers and the onset of dementia. Walking is the most powerful medication that we have for a host of medical conditions. If exercise were a pill, we’d all be howling for a prescription. Numerous studies show that walking roughly 10,000 steps a day reduces chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes. Newer studies are also showing significant potential in fighting dementia. The benefits of walking includes both people with pre-existing diseases and healthy adults with a desire to prevent illness and enhance their longevity.
“Walking is a man’s best medicine.” ~ Hippocrates
A major contributor to many poor health conditions is excess body weight, which suggests that weight loss will help to reduce those health risks. Weight loss can be challenging but walking may be the magic pill required to achieve results. Movement and physical exercise produce significant benefits that come with the increased blood flow as your heart delivers oxygen-rich blood to your muscles and organs.
Maintaining an active lifestyle is one of the most important choices for preventing illness and disease. Studies confirm the power of the popular 10,000 steps per day goal for health and longevity, but some walking is much better than no walking. Significant benefits are seen with increasing steps at different increments, up to this optimal goal. The average adult in the U.S. gets about 3000 steps per day doing normal activities. You only need to add a half-hour walk at both ends of the day and you’re at 10,000.
“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
Weight control and disease aren’t the only “it’s” solved by walking. Depression and anxiety are common mental health issues experienced by a growing number of individuals all around the Great Wide World. Nature improves psychological well-being and time spent in nature walking is an effective, therapeutic intervention that improves mental health. Walking in nature to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety has recently attracted the attention of the research community.
I suppose the primary reason there aren’t stacks of studies, and reams research reports on the myriad of solutions that walking creates, is because the giant corporations that sponsor all the research can’t make any money marketing walking pills at the local pharmacy. Walking is a primary design feature for humans. Without it, critical metabolic functions break down and the result is depression and disease. If you’re not ready for 10,000 steps a day, get 8000 or six thousand. Keep at it. “It is Solved by Walking.”
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” ~ Lao Tzu