Advocates are lobbying to add a new mental disorder to the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR),” which is the official bible of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The DSM presently contains 70+ disorders and the APA is probably extremely excited to add another one to the ever-growing list of fake afflictions. They’ve named this one “Orthorexia Nervosa.”
“…someday…, we’ll medicate human experience right out of the human experience.” ~ Dennis Lehane
Orthorexia is an obsession with eating only healthy, pure, clean, whole foods. A disorder we should all be challenged with since eating healthy has the potential to cure a dozen diseases that have been sickening society for nearly a century. “Clean eating” is a term to describe eating clean whole foods and avoiding heavily processed, industrial junk foods.
Orthorexia advocates believe that over time an obsession with healthy eating and exercise can lead to serious complications. I suppose that losing weight, getting fit, and reducing your dependence on medications prescribed for blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, anxiety, and depression are all pretty serious, especially if you’re a pharmaceutical company whose profits all dry up when folks become obsessed with a healthy lifestyle.
According to lobbyists, Orthorexia is a very serious eating disorder that deserves further scrutiny as a mental illness. They believe that eating disorders are mental afflictions that negatively affect a person’s physical and mental well-being—for which orthorexia nervosa qualifies. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder are more commonly recognized eating disorders.
“Do I want to die from the inside out or the outside in?” ~ Laurie Halse Anderson
Orthorexia sufferers often create their own rules for eating and physical activity without even consulting anyone in the medical community – a sure sign of a serious disorder, I guess. When they fail to meet their own rules it could lead to feelings of insecurity, despair, unworthiness, or self-loathing. But more often than not, the obsessed individual develops a superiority complex – Oh, the shame!
Proponents of Orthorexia use the same bullshit terminology that you’ll find in their DSM bible for the other 70+ disorders. It’s caused by a genetic predisposition and other environmental factors. It’s funny how when they don’t have a clue about what causes an illness, they whip out the genetics card as if diseases and disorders are akin to playing Powerball (lottery).
I’m obsessed with clean eating and it’s not a thing, a condition, or a disorder, it’s just my nature. I’ve spent the last decade researching what causes people to get sick and die and it’s not genetics, it’s food. As toxic, industrial foods became more prevalent in our society, diseases followed suit, becoming ubiquitous in the present paradigm.
“The fact that they might still be alive in 5, 25, or even 50 years’ time is not enough to motivate fools to look after their bodies.” ~ Mokokoma Mokhonoana
It’s no real surprise I suppose that they want to turn a healthy lifestyle into a mental disorder. They’ve been demonizing saturated fat and cholesterol for several decades and they’re two of the most important nutrients for your health. I guess I’ll just have to live with my affliction because I’m going to continue to obsess over eating only healthy, pure, clean, whole foods.
Next up, “Criccetius Timorosa,” A genetic predisposition to fear eating crickets, leading to despair, unworthiness, and self-loathing or something like that…
WOW! Better than fiction. What about making up a disorder about making up disorders? This is kind of depressing knowing these are people supposed to be looking out for our health, so called “experts” and educated.
In 2020, more than 252 million prescriptions were written for mental health conditions, with a total cost of more than $15.6 trillion. I’m sure they’ll have a pill to cure obsessively healthy folks any day now…