A Higher Plane

The circles and cycles of life are interesting. Last weeks blog was brought on by something I read about phytoestrogen in hops causing Man Boobs. That thought sent me on a mental journey down memory lane – to a time long ago in a land far away. As I was pondering on a topic for this week, hoppy beer came to mind once again. I don’t drink much beer anymore, especially in the winter. It’s not that I don’t like beer, I do but as I get older, my metabolism is slowing down. The carbohydrate to nutrient profile in beer just doesn’t make sense for an old man. Honestly it probably didn’t make sense back in middle age but that’s a story for last weeks blog.

This week I met a new IPA. The La Nina climate pattern has produced a much warmer winter than normal here on the High Planes. On nice days I have been scraping paint from the 100 year old clapboards on the south side of our little cottage, Winona. A few days ago, I was up on the scaffolding as the temperature shot upward through 70 degrees. I changed into shorts and continued to work. By mid afternoon I was sweating, clad only in shorts and sneakers. Working on my February tan.

Summer in February

It felt like the middle of summer. “BEER”, the mind signal was coming in loud and clear. I jumped on the bike and headed down to the corner store, straight to the IPA section. Summer afternoons and IPA are made for each other. One of New Belgium’s rotating Voodoo Ranger IPA’s caught my eye. The original made it into my high point pilgrimage post, a couple summers ago.

I like the spokes-skeleton for Voodoo Ranger. I always think of the old joke; “A skeleton walks into the bar and asks for a beer and a mop.” He even has an Instagram account for all things IPA. His motto; Live Rangerously. There, on the shelf was a new Voodoo Ranger – Higher Plane. An Imperial IPA with 8.5% alcohol. Probably not the best choice for an old man working up on scaffolding. It was the name that grabbed my attention. I couldn’t leave without it.

We live on the High Plains and have been using a play on words since we started the 3MPH blog. The concept being that moving here to the Emerald City from the 4th largest city in the United States has allowed us a higher perspective. A slower, quieter and more spiritual existence out here on the High Planes. Like many words in the English language, the Plain or Plane conundrum can be confusing. The more important question though on this day. Is drinking an 8.5% Imperial IPA a spiritual experience? Will it elevate you to a Higher Plane? It didn’t work for me. After about the third one, I had to quit living Rangerously and get down from the scaffolding. Back to the solid earth of the High Planes.