Is it Live or is it Memorex

I started writing this essay a few months ago but it just never clicked. I’d open it occasionally, read through and attempt to write but it wasn’t any fun. There were other articles to write that were more pleasant and easier to pen, so I stayed away. Recently though, I realized that the message is an important one and that I should focus up, and get the information out there for those folks who are willing to listen, with an open mind.

Before I retired, I spent a significant amount of time creating, analyzing and using magnetic field models, to drill many of the longest, extended reach wells in the World. One of the important lessons I learned was that when the actual data we collected with our tools didn’t fit with the models, the errors were almost always in the modeling. There’s no substitiute for real and current data, at least if you want to know what’s actually going on!

Science used to follow the same principle, back in the day; it was data driven. Not anymore it seems. In the present paradigm the models have become more important than the actual data, and are the only things that count to the totalitarians who are promoting their beliefs as actual science. The most difficult thing for me to grasp about what’s happening, is how easy it’s been for the technocrats to convince the majority of society to follow along.

So I did some research in an attempt to understand why humans have this herding instinct, which has the power to steer them away from reality. People often use the actions of others as a guide to sensible behavior, rather than independently seeking out current, quality information about the likely outcomes of various actions. Every devastating stock market crash was caused by this tendency to follow the herd. So, why did we evolve with this herding tendency, if the outcomes are so damaging to society?

Probably because, as counterintuitive as it sounds, herding evolved to benefit the individual, not the herd. One theory actually proposes that herds are the result of individuals trying to ensure that other members of the herd, rather than themselves, will get devoured by the predator, (I don’t need to outrun the Grizzly, I only need to outrun you). In many social aggregations, (sheep and guppies for instance) the risk of predation is higher at the periphery of the herd. Individuals compete to stay close to the center, so that other individuals end up between themselves and the predators.

It’s a pretty sad theory but as I look around in the Great Wide World and witness the actions of the predatory, political sociopaths, who are in charge of our little republic it makes perfect sense. I’ve seen videos of wild animals in nature who put the weakest in the center. The strongest move to the periphery to protect them against predation. That’s the kind of society I imagine and the reason for penning this essay. It’s not that I see myself as a Bull Elephant on the periphery protecting the weak, only that I long for that type of society.

The rest of the essay is about how the fear induced, herding instinct was brandished maliciously by the plutocrats during the COVID-19 pandemic. They’ve been using the same fear-based techniques to simultaneously run a global warming, greenhouse gas, climate change, Carbon Dioxide psyop, that I hope to address in a future essay but it’s just so much more fun to write about the things that bring joy and contentment, so it might be awhile before I get around to it.

When the society altering pandemic was launched a few years ago, the data showed the survival rate to be roughly the same as the common cold. The spike protein could cause some problems for folks that already had various health issues but for most of us, our immune system was more than capable of dealing with it. The models however told another story. No one talked about the real data on the TEEVEE, they only talked up the modeling.

Massive death and chaos would surely ensue if we didn’t close up all the small businesses, (while leaving Walmarts and Targets open) shut down the schools and make everyone work from their basement. If you did go outside to walk the dog, you needed to wear a mask and be prepared to show your vaccination records, (Papers please). Two weeks to flatten the curve turned into two years of hell on earth, at least if you lived in a city.

Then the models predicted that if everyone in the entire world didn’t get jabbed with the completely unproven, rushed, never before used mRNA vaccine, more death and chaos would certainly ensue. They had all of society fighting and scrabbling to get to the center of the herd, where they perceived they would be protected. They were even audacious enough to force folks to get jabbed using mandates – “Take the vaccine or lose your job. We’re saving the world here, why do you doubt us?”

None of it was true obviously. When you looked at the actual data and discarded the constant news cycle around the modeling, it was clear that the predator known as COVID-19 did about the same amount of damage as a normal cold and flu season, (imagine that). There have been some significant changes in the herd after around 60% of them were convinced to get vaccinated against the ferocious predator however. They don’t talk about it much in the mainstrem media but health data began to exhibit a number of interesting trends.

Several countries observed a significant drop in birth rate that has a strong correlation in time with the vaccination roll-out. Evidence from multiple monitoring systems in the United States and around the globe support a causal relationship between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis. Not to mention, hundreds of healthy young athletes having heart attacks. It’s difficult however to get any real data when it comes to the damage the mRNA vaccines have actually caused, because the companies that produce the vaccines for the most part, control the media and scientific publications that generate the flow of data.

The reason I’m broaching the subject now, when you might have thought the Great Wide World was headed back towards normalcy, is because it looks like they’re ready to run the same script, (psyop) again. I do some work connected to a few government agencies and I’m hearing that despite proof that masking is useless and lockdowns were a devastating mistake that should never be repeated, these failed strategies will very likely be reimplemented by mid to late September.

They’ll be putting the propaganda machine back into high gear in an attempt to convince the herd that if they want to survive the very dangerous predator on the periphery, they’ll need to get the latest booster, ASAP. Then, once they coax folks into the vaccination clinics, they’ll be pressured to get not just one jab, but 3. A booster for COVID, a flu vaccine and a brand-new fast-tracked vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Fear and loathing; as we face a triple threat, this fall. The only hope for humanity, is mass disobedience, as the plutocracy are interested in one thing and one thing only.

They’re preparing to push the non-believers to the periphery, to be ravaged by the predator or hauled off to an internment camp or something. Is that the society you aspire to; a scrabbling for the center, leaving others to perish on the perimeter? I hope not! We’re all in this together, folks. Look at the data. It’s time to take a stand on the periphery. It’s time to educate the herd. It’s time to be Elephants and Muskox – not guppies and sheep.

Take a Stand!

1 thought on “Is it Live or is it Memorex”

  1. Very interesting essay!! Thank you for sharing, I thoroughly enjoy reading your writing.

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