I was reviewing the archive the other day and realized I haven’t written a political post in awhile. Vickie warned me away several months back, suggesting that society is divided enough, without 3mph adding fuel to the fire. I figured she’s probably right, being much wiser than I am, on the topic. But after reading a quote by Matt Taibbi recently, I started wondering if I was just being trained and conditioned to censor myself by the CORPORATOCRATIC EMPIRE. Matt took the stage at a London gathering on June 22nd, with two other rebels; Michael Shellenberger and Russell Brand. Here’s the part of his speech that resonated with me.
“What Michael and I were looking at was something new, an Internet-age approach to political control that uses brute digital force to alter reality itself. We certainly saw plenty of examples of censorship and de-platforming and government collaboration in those efforts. However, it’s clear that the idea behind the sweeping system of digital surveillance combined with thousands or even millions of subtle rewards and punishments built into the online experience, is to condition people to censor themselves.“ ~ MATT TAIBBI
CJ Hopkins was in London too and wrote about it in his latest post. Here’s an interesting quote from his essay.
“The censorship. The official propaganda. The criminalization of dissent. The pathologization of dissent. The manipulation of our perception of reality. The coordinated transformation of the world into a smiley-faced neo-Orwellian police state in which politics no longer matters because society has been divided into two basic classes, i.e., “the normals,” who are prepared to mindlessly follow orders and parrot whatever official propaganda they are fed, and “the deviants,” or “extremists,” who are not.” ~ CJ HOPKINS
You can find links to both of these brave freedom fighters on my RSS Feeds at 3mph.org – “What I’m Reading.”
While perusing the writings of these modern day freedom fighters, I was reminded of the struggle against EMPIRE in one of the most popular media franchises of all time. In Star Wars, it’s the GALACTIC EMPIRE or the First Order, which seeks to control the galaxy. In our present global corporatocratic takeover, it’s a small number of powerful corporations that exert significant control over society. Both scenarios involve a concentration of power into the hands of a few.
Here’s the opening crawl from the original Star Wars –
It is a period of civil wars in the galaxy. A brave alliance of underground freedom fighters has challenged the tyranny and oppression of the awesome GALACTIC EMPIRE. Striking from a fortress hidden among the billion stars of the galaxy, rebel spaceships have won their first victory in a battle with the powerful Imperial Starfleet. The EMPIRE fears that another defeat could bring a thousand more solar systems into the rebellion, and Imperial control over the galaxy would be lost forever. To crush the rebellion once and for all, the EMPIRE is constructing a sinister new battle station. Powerful enough to destroy an entire planet, its completion spells certain doom for the champions of freedom.
Manipulation & Propaganda
Both the Star Wars galaxy and the present day corporatocracy involve the use of manipulation and propaganda to maintain control. In Star Wars, the Emperor and Darth Vader use propaganda to maintain the loyalty of the Galactic Empire’s citizens. In a global, corporate totalitarian system, powerful corporations manipulate information and shape public opinion to serve their interests.
A unique aspect of the Star Wars franchise is the presence of the Force and the Jedi Order. These mystical elements play a significant role in the narrative, with the Jedi serving as guardians of peace and justice. In our present situation in the Great Wide World, there are no Jedi Warriors, ready to challenge the CORPORATOCRATIC EMPIRE. A sinister battle plan is being implemented right now that is powerful enough to destroy an entire planet. Where are the guardians of peace and justice?
It’s a Racket
When enough of us realize that war has been used for control or profit for our entire human history, we’ll refuse to fight for EMPIRE and begin the battle against EMPIRE. A Jedi Order will emerge. The Star Wars franchise focuses heavily on the theme of rebellion and resistance against oppressive regimes. And that’s a good place to start, if we want any chance at freedom in this war of tyranny and oppression. And it is a WAR, my freedom fighting friends.
Presently the EMPIRE is attempting to lead us into WWIII. Are you prepared for nuclear war? Whether it’s a “Wag the Dog” scheme or something far more sinister, it’s abundantly clear that nothing has changed in thousands of years. The Empire plays on our fear and we continue to give away our freedoms, in the name of fighting communism, terrorism or a war on an invisible enemy; COVID 19. What’s become very obvious in the present paradigm is that, “War is a Racket.”
WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes. ~ BRIGADIER GENERAL SMEDLEY D. BUTLER
Will the sinister EMPIRE achieve their goal of GLOBAL CONTROL? Have they waged the perfect battle plan against humanity? Or, will the Rebels, Freedom Fighters and Deviants win their first victory against the powerful, Imperial Starfleet? The EMPIRE fears that another defeat could bring a thousand more solar systems into the rebellion, and Imperial control over the galaxy would be lost forever. Do Not Comply!
Jesus was such a rebel…he pushed back against the Empire (then Rome)…there have been many rebels through the centuries who have pushed back against the Empire (insert ISM of choice here). My question as a pastor is where is the balance between making room for other and standing up for what I believe is right, true and good…it is a fine line to be sure and at the end of days the only opinion that matters is the One whom I will stand before. Thank you for writing the blog. It has given me much to ponder. Peace be with you Mike.
…and peace be with you. Thanks for stopping by Janita!