Back about half a century or so ago when I was a teenager in High School, I really had a thing for Dylan. Most folks tend toward either liking Bob or disliking Bob but with a career spanning 6 decades, he’s definitely a phenonenon worth exploring. A story-teller, prophet, poet, writer, balladeer, singer, actor, comedian, performer and more. He morphed and changed so much over that period that it’s even possible to both love and hate his work. He definitely went through periods that didn’t inspire me but he never stopped exploring and I admire him for that.
So this week on M.M.M. let’s go back to a few cuts from a half century ago when “Blood On The Tracks” dropped. It rates in the top ten of a half dozen different, best album of all time rankings and contains a few of my favorite Bob songs. Have a listen.
- Meet Me in the Morning
- Simple Twist of Fate
- Lily, Rosemary & the Jack of Hearts
- Shelter From the Storm
- Tangled Up in Blue