Let me state first off that I am not affiliated with any political party, I am a registered independent. When I was growing up my father was a conservative Republican, he even voted for Richard Nixon. My mother was a blue collar Democrat, thinking Jimmy Carter was going to save the country.
So I was confused, siding with the Democratic Party until the Bill Clinton circus showed up, causing me to switch tickets and vote for Bush Jr. in his first term, thinking anyone would be better than corporate puppet Al Gore. Sort of how Donald Trump was elected, I suppose. That was the last time I voted for a Presidential candidate. I realized that both parties were just different fists of the same pugilist, right jab, right jab, left cross. The jab setting us up for the more damaging cross but both punches to the face, just the same.
The founding fathers recognized the dangers of government and politics and tried to protect the common man by writing our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Obviously that has not worked so well, as government has continued their encroachment on our freedoms and civil liberties for decades; jab, jab, cross, the punches just keep coming. Right, right, left. Both parties promising their constituency the change they want and deserve but it’s just a feint, to fool us.
Obama made a career out of this, promising hope and change, then for eight years whenever hopeful people asked for change he’d say, “Yes, we all need to talk about that”, express sympathy, give a moving speech, and then nothing would happen. All hope and no change. The country was fed up with the extreme measures taken by Bush after 911 and Obama capitalized, portraying himself as a champion of civil liberties. But change didn’t happen, Obama actually expanded the Bush policies, asserting his right to kill U.S.citizens viewed as terrorists.
The civil liberties movement strangled by the symbolic importance of the first black president; they even awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize just for being elected, so enraptured was the left. They convinced themselves that as shocking as Obama’s position was on civil liberties, a Republican would surely be worse. In time, the election of Barack Obama may stand as one of the single most devastating events in our history for civil liberties.
How long will liberals keep falling for the hope and change promise that the Democratic Party tries to sell the public through their allied media and corporate institutions? A bunch of words, some impotent legislation to mollify the masses, without ever getting anywhere close to the real change required to move forward; all hope and no change. When will liberals understand that the Democratic Party exists to co-opt and destroy any change movements? Their purpose is to attempt to control a populace with false promises and empty words. The manipulators understand this is much easier than brute force.
“The main problem in any democracy is that crowd-pleasers are generally brainless swine who can go out on a stage & whup their supporters into an orgiastic frenzy—then go back to the office & sell every one of the poor bastards down the tube for a nickel apiece.”
― Hunter S. Thompson
Presently the “Party of Change” is getting heat for staging a ridiculous display of sympathy for George Floyd by kneeling, while wearing African Kentes. The American streets are filled with protestors demanding a new approach to how policing gets done and this is their response? The Democrats are trying to spin Police brutality as a result of Trump’s presidency while the facts show that the majority of police brutality that people are objecting and protesting about is occurring in cities and states with Democratic leadership. America’s violent and increasingly militarized police force would obviously be a much bigger problem if every city and every state were blue.
The Democratic Party serves empty words and false promises, not change. When they do actually change something, it more often than not infringes on our civil liberties. Stop being fooled and manipulated, there is a difference between Democrats and Republicans, just as there is a difference between the right fist and the left. Jab, jab, cross. It’s going to hurt either way.