What is this “Winter of Death,” they speak of? A new Sci-Fi film, perhaps a new virus variant? Nope, it’s the prediction from the White House and Plutocrat Puppet, Joe “Bag of Doughnuts” Biden. Today marks the Winter Solstice. The shortest day of the year and the first day of the “Winter of Death.” Schools and businesses are already boarding up their windows and preparing for the dark days ahead.
For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.
So, our message to every American is clear: There is action you can take to protect yourself and your family. Wear a mask in public indoor settings. Get vaccinated, get your kids vaccinated, and get a booster shot when you’re eligible.
~ www.whitehouse.gov
Note: Joe is making a speech tonight so I'm sure he'll reiterate the message in person while he scolds and threatens all the inconsiderate, unvaccinated folks from his presidential pulpit. Causing even more people to despise him, if that's possible. His approval rating is already lower than any sitting president, (including Trump, Carter and Nixon) and he hasn't even been in office for a year.
Harvard, Stanford and Cornell, with the highest vaccination rates of U.S. Universities, have announced they will shut down their campuses due to a spike in cases over the past week. Cornell has adjusted their alert level to red, whatever the hell that means. With a vaccination rate of 99%, every one of the 900 positive COVID tests recently on campus was a vaccinated student, many of them jabbed three times.
Communist News Network, (CNN) shuttered their offices over the weekend too, purportedly due to the Omicron surge. Zucker in a memo to workers said, “we are doing this out of an abundance of caution.” The depths to which these sick bastards will stoop is unbelievable. “Be afraid, be very afraid.” Omicron is just another in a string of lies used by the tyrannical maniacs to get their boots back on the faces of terrorized citizens.
The Big Lie
The National Football League postponed several games this weekend due to the Omicron surge, even though the NFL is close to 100 percent vaccinated. The NBA, which is above 95% vaccinated, announced they too will postpone games. The truth that the media isn’t reporting about the omicron surge is that the outbreaks are taking place among the fully vaccinated.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. — Joseph Goebbels
The “experts,” continue to maintain that the only thing that can stop the spread of Omicron is “The Jab!” How can there be any doubt about whether or not the mRNA shots work. It’s pretty obvious that the pusher’s of these toxic cocktails are lying or trapped in a belief; just as toxic as the jab. The folks aren’t buying it anymore though. If vaccines don’t stop the spread, how can vaccines stop the spread?
Enough is Enough
Tens of thousands of people were out on the streets of Europe over the weekend to protest their governments’ recent decisions to reimpose COVID mandates and lockdowns. Thousands of peaceful protesters demonstrated in central Brussels for the third time against tyrannical COVID restrictions. Marchers with placards reading “free zone,” and “enough is enough,” turned out to protest the government’s reimposed mandates.
“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world…would do this, it would change the earth.” ― William Faulkner
Belgian protests followed a day after protests in Paris and London. European governments have moved quickly to reimpose tyranny, to stem the tide of the highly transmissible Omicron variant, with the Netherlands leading the charge by imposing a nationwide lockdown. The natural cycle of a coronavirus is to become more transmissible and less virulent. So obviously the panic is not connected to the virility or lethality of Omicron.
So what’s it connected to? The plutocrats that are driving the COVID narrative realize they’re losing their hold on the masses. “We the People” are not afraid of a common cold anymore. People are waking up to the lie of COVID or more precisely, they are awakening to the tyranny that has been rained down upon them by psychopaths. The big question is: Why do they need to jab every warm body in the entire world, from infants to infirm?
The Big Question
On June 22, 2001, a group of well-known U.S. officials and senior policymakers gathered at Andrews Air Force Base for a senior-level exercise that simulated a biological weapons attack. The “Dark Winter” simulation was conducted to determine how senior leaders would respond. “Dark Winter” has become legendary amongst senior policymakers for a different reason. It clearly exhibited how the spiraling stresses of a public health crisis could create societal collapse. Is that the goal of the COVID hoax? Societal collapse, so they can “Build Back Better.” The “Dark Winter” gang, got together again in October 2019 for another exercise.
A quick spreading coronavirus that escaped a pig farm in Latin America. This just a few months in front of the COVID-19 breakout. They called it “Event 201,” which was probably code for “Winter of Death.” The co-hosts were the World Economic Forum and the Gates Foundation. Two groups that are attempting to hasten the “Great Reset” and the “BBB” campaign.
According to Dr. Redonda Miller, President of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, the reason for the simulation was to develop recommendations to help prepare the world for a pandemic. I have a tough time with the suggested irony of an actual pandemic developing just two months later. Especially considering the players involved. They’ve been planning the “Great Reset” for a long time and had plenty of good data from the “Dark Winter” exercise to know a global public health crisis was the perfect weapon to deploy. All they needed was a little tune up to turn “Dark Winter” into “Winter of Death.”
The Pirates of Plutocracy

The pandemic is just a cover. To see the truth, all you need to do is follow the money. “The Plutocrat Pirates” or global elite that are engineering the “Great Reset” destroyed the financial system long ago. They have no intention of building anything and building it back better has never been their objective. There is just nothing left for them to pillage and plunder. You can’t buy a new yacht with a bag of IOUs. Everything in the financial fantasyland is already over-leveraged.
“Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor.” ― Thomas Jefferson
The only thing left for them to get their grubby hands on is your pension, your 401K and your social security and they intend to get it by crashing the financial system. Before COVID, they used global warming or climate change as the engine of change but realized it was too slow to use as cover. The financial system has been hanging by a mere thread since the Great Recession of 2008. They couldn’t afford a market crash back then, they would have lost all their assets too. So they’ve spent the last decade and a half, blowing bubbles and running simulations. They’re obviously ready now. Can you say, “Stakeholder Capitalism.” What about, “I will own nothing and be happy.”
But as it turned out, the public health crisis was too slow as well, so they’re setting up the next stage of their dystopian drama; CYBERATTACK. The same “Plutocrat Pirates” that ran the “Dark Winter” and “Event 201” simulations, completed their latest simulation a few months ago in Israel; “Cyber Polygon,” a cyber pandemic exercise. They want to immunize the internet.
“We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to, the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole” — Klaus Schwab
The “Event 201” simulation predicted a global economic collapse by June 2021, which didn’t quite pan out for the Pirates. So they’re ushering in the final episode of the dystopian trilogy; “Cyber Polygon.” What could be more devastating than a complete halt to power, transportation, food supply and hospital services? Talk about lockdowns. What happens when they hit the internet kill switch? A “Dark Winter” indeed.
Keep your critical thinking caps on folks and prepare to ride out the “Dark Winter.” I have it from a reputable source that the “Great Reset” will fail, primarily because they didn’t count on the strong spirit of free individuals everywhere.
“Do Not Comply.”