Life imitates art once again as another old science fiction movie comes to life. In 1996 the movie Escape from L.A. showed in theaters. Starring Kurt Russell, it was a follow up to the 1981 Escape from New York. Russell played Snake Plissken. His mission was to retrieve a device in Los Angeles, which had become an island of the damned, filled with low-lifes and criminals. The problem wasn’t getting in, it was getting out; escaping with his life!
And a quarter century later, it has come true. The head of the LA Police Protective League, Jamie McBride, has issued a strong warning to tourists — do not visit Los Angeles, the city is rampant with crime. “We can’t guarantee your safety. It is really, really out of control.” Homicides in the city were up 17% in October and are compounding. Over a two-year period, they’re up 49%.
“Most of us knew in our bones that things with the world weren’t right, long before it became a crisis.” ― Pernell Plath Meier
Los Angeles is just one of many US cities facing a crime surge. The politicos who decided that it would be wise to defund their police departments, drive around in heavily armed, bulletproof vehicles, while their constituents suffer on the “island of the damned.” Interestingly the politicians that created this mess are now attempting to escape it. Nancy Pelosi’s district of San Francisco has devolved into a crime infested ghetto, filled with mass homelessness, open drug use and sidewalks covered in human feces. Many of the city’s historical families have been fleeing, in search of greener pastures in Texas and Florida.
It looks like Pelosi is getting ready to retire and her first order of business is; “Escape from San Francisco.” She has been spotted in Florida, looking at property. What a fucking hypocrite! The perfect example of a limousine liberal fleeing the consequences of her own policy, (Policy for thee but not for me). Bashing the rich for her entire political career before, “Escaping from San Francisco” to retire with more than $100,000,000, to one of the 7 states with no income tax.
“You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.” ― Nikola Tesla
Our major cities are setting new records for shootings, stabbings, homicides and murders. TeeVee news show “flash mobs” invading and looting downtown stores and fleeing before the police arrive on a daily basis. Civilization is breaking down and it’s being shepherded by politicians. As a senator in the 1990s, Biden was a law-and-order Dem, who helped enact tough anti-crime and pro-police legislation. WTF happened. When even Pelosi is decrying “smash-and-grab” mob attacks on her city’s retail stores, the tide has turned. 61% of Americans disapprove of how Biden is dealing with crime.
“If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” ― Mark Twain
I don’t personally identify with either party in the corrupt two party system, that is U.S. politics. The data though at the State, City and County level clearly shows that the major cities, folks are attempting to escape from, have been decimated by years of insane, leftist lunacy, promoted by misguided liberal leadership. Using the principle; if it doesn’t work, just do the same dumb thing, bigger, harder or with more money, never different or better.
One example is Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. She’s planning to drop another $412 million into it’s community safety plan – “Our City, Our Safety.” The original plan was created over a year ago and 10 of the 15 neighborhoods where it was introduced have actually gotten more violent. A proven failure, the plan is unsustainable with little transparency or accountability. Chicago needs policemen, not community outreach. Social justice gibberish does little to slow down murder and mayhem, even with another $412,000,000.
Law and Order is the only real expectation we have for government in a constitutional republic and they’re failing miserably! Why? What is behind this devolution of our civilization? Which dystopian Sci-Fi plot do we most resemble right now?