The Greater Good

Socialist, collectivist and communist ideologies, believe tyranny and the theft of individual freedom are for the “Greater Good.” That they know better than the individual what is best for them. At least that’s what they preach. Who is this “Greater Good” they all point to, that we’re supposed to relinquish our freedom for? When you look at who benefits from the mandates and dictates they prescribe, it becomes obvious they mean the folks in power.

You know, the elite oligarchs that fly into Glasgow in hundreds of private jets, to eat caviar and Kobi beef, while discussing why the rest of us are going to need to quit wasting “their” energy. Eat less meat and more insects, take the bus and save the planet from sure destruction caused by over-carbonization. Unless you can afford to buy carbon credits on their new carbon exchange from one Wall St. banker or another. Then you can eat as much beef as you want. Drive your 12 cylinder Maserati and fly about in one of your private jets.

Dictates & Mandates

One of the dictates handed down by the tyrannical tribe is that you need to take the damn shot; for the “Greater Good!” It’s the only way to save the world from the deadly coronavirus, that kills a fraction over one quarter of one percent of the people who contract it. At least it kills the ones that are already near death, from old age or a half dozen death dealing co-morbidities. Oh and you need to get your children jabbed too, even though the virus doesn’t impact them – not even a runny nose. It’s for the “Greater Good.” They’ll be little Super Heroes.

If you don’t want to do your duty for the “Greater Good,” then we will have to fire you, fine you, steal your property and put you in prison. “C’mon man, it’s for the Greater Good.” The same “Greater Good” that destroyed 20 million human lives in Hitler’s Germany, 56 million in Mao’s Great Leap Forward and millions more in Stalin’s Russian Gulags.

The “Greater Good” Ideal is an appeal to the individual that just wants to be left alone. It works pretty well with folks that are conditioned to “go along to get along.” Covid mandates however are based on the concept that unvaccinated folks are a danger to society. Such an extreme danger that force and punishment are justified.

The Narrative

While plenty of people just go with whatever they see on the boob tube, following along with the official establishment narrative, many more are waking up to the truth of what’s actually happening in the Great Wide World and asking the questions. If the vaccine actually works, why would unvaccinated folks be a threat? And, if the vaccine doesn’t actually work. Why should I take it?

New studies and information are coming out everyday, though it’s not shared by the elite controlled MSM. The studies are proving that natural immunity to the ultra dangerous coronavirus, that kills the exact same number of folks that normal colds and flu have killed every year for the last century, is 27 times more effective than the vaunted vaccine. A vaccine that generates a toxic spike protein which has been killing people at a rate, thousands of times higher than all other vaccines ever produced in the history of medicine. 

Young, healthy people too. Not geriatrics with pre-exiting conditions. Hospital ER’s are filling up, not with COVID cases, but patients seeking treatment for blood clots, respirtory problems and myocarditis. Healthy young athletes around the globe have been succumbing to these illnesses. A number of them falling dead, right on the soccer pitch. Yet there is no mention of it in the mainstream media.

Here in the United States, the folks are beginning to awaken to the Ideal of the “Greater Good.” It seems they’re not “going along to get along” so easily, when they’re threatened with losing their jobs and control of their children. They have been lied to so consistently and insistently by the evil Fauci and the Federal Health Officialdom, they think that the authorities are out to kill them. We’ve been led to believe that the unvaccinated are only a small minority of selfish individuals that just need to be beaten into submission. But it’s not so.

Folks Are Angry

The latest polls show that over 70% of the folks are angry and vehemently disapprove of the direction the country is headed under the current administration. 70% of the population is not a small minority. It’s a majority. We’re talking Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Libertarians. They’re all pissed off about the tyrannical misadventures of this administration. Will the Wokesters wake up before it’s too late?

We’ll know soon enough, the depth and breadth of this travesty. If it’s just another stupid Leftist ploy by progressive politicians in this country, they’ll back off after losing the Virginia Governor contest and nearly losing in New Jersey. Midterms are one year away and with 70% of America pissed off and Biden approval ratings under 40%, they’re looking at a slaughter, if they continue on the current trajectory. Ironically they can’t even pull together as a single party in congress where different factions are in a pissing match that may not be resolved before midterms.

Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves. ~ Henry David Thoreau

If this is something bigger. If they’re being controlled and coerced by forces outside of National Politics, we are very likely to see them double down, not only on vaccine mandates but carbon mandates as well. The days of “going along to get along” are over. The choice will be simple and clear. Comply and be slave or fight for your freedom, the freedom of your children and grandchildren. Safety and security are fairy tales.

Do Not Comply!