To grow and evolve you need to push the edge of the envelope, stretch your limits and challenge your personal belief system. As you evolve, stretch, and grow, it creates stress. Be patient and attentive. Determine the best spot to apply pressure, which relieves the stress. Often the action that is required is letting go, which can be counter-intuitive. To clean up your belief system, you need to let go of beliefs you have been tightly grasping. Many for a very long time, which can make them difficult to release.
It is similar to cleaning the house. No one wants to live in a messy, dirty house. You need to clean it up. Let go of the things that are getting in the way, creating trip hazards and noxious fumes. It is customary this time of year to do some spring cleaning, perhaps have a closer look at your beliefs and judgements. It’s the perfect time to shine the bright light of awareness on your belief system. There just might be some junk, that needs to be taken to the dump.
Taking Out The Garbage
I found some garbage while I was cleaning this Spring. Instead of cleaning my house, I thought I should help Vickie clean hers and of course she told me where I could go. Then, later while I was pondering if I could get there from here the epiphany hit me. I need to focus on cleaning my own house and not someone else’s. Who am I to tell someone else how to live or be angry when they don’t want to listen to my truths. It is human nature for us to see where others have issues that need to be attended to but be blind to our own.
Judgement is something that needs to be cleaned up in most of our houses. It has a tendency to stink the place up and the longer we hold onto it the stinkier it gets. When we see something in someone else’s house that needs to be cleaned up, it is often a mirror for something that needs our attention. Shine the light of awareness on it. You may discover some garbage that needs to be removed from your house.
Don’t Take It Personally
The other side of the fence might look different but it’s not. Your friends or family may make suggestions to you about some cleaning up that you need to do. The first reaction is to get defensive, angry or sad, but you need to slow down. Study that first emotion or reaction. Understand where it comes from. The stronger the reaction the more attention you should give it. Not because they are right, wrong, stupid or insensitive. They might be all of those things, but it is still just their opinion, don’t take it personally. Their judgement is based on their belief system. It is probably as filthy and dirty as yours. Just smile and say thanks for your judgement.
There are a variety of nasty, dirty manifestations of judgment in the global house. A few hours perusing social media or MSM will leave your head spinning from the unbearable duality of the current paradigm. Perhaps it’s time to take a break. Turn off the TV and give Facebook a timeout. Stop being a twit or tweet. You don’t have to choose a side or be right. There is no one to blame but ourselves and the way forward just might be doing a little house cleaning. Our own house of course and not someone else’s.
Imagine what would happen if we all quit blaming someone else. Quit worrying about who was right and who was wrong. What if we just focused on pushing the envelope. Stretching ourselves every day to do the best that we can and let go of those beliefs that are holding us back. Be an example by the actions we take; not the criticism we provide.