I am a bit shocked as I look around the Great Wide World and witness the response to the establishment narrative. So many are buying what the plutocrats are selling. If it seems so obvious to me to see it for what it is; lies and propaganda. Why are so many fooled into drinking the Kool-Aid. When the death toll for this coronavirus has never strayed far from 99.5%, why do they scream that every human needs to be vaxxed or punished for their disobedience?
“Any fool can make a rule. And any fool will mind it.” ― Henry David Thoreau
Facebook and Twitter are filled with real people pushing the narrative; that folks should have their freedoms revoked, have their kids taken away or be fired from their jobs and banned from restaurants, grocery stores and the public library. Post after post, incessantly proclaiming the establishment narrative. That there should to be consequences for the stupid, stubborn people, who don’t want to inject their bodies with unknown chemicals. That they’re evil, selfish and putting others at risk.
At risk of what? The sniffles. That’s a little facetious, I suppose. I know some folks who’ve had a pretty rough time with this virus but to be clear, a lot of people have had the same issues with the flu, (until it inexplicably dissapeared) which has been returning every winter for a very long time and causing the same sort of grief. We didn’t freak out and run for our lives, screaming that anyone who didn’t get a flu shot should be ridiculed, punished and ostricized. Demanding that a dangerous gene therapy, be made mandatory. They did try, back in 1976 but the vaccine, killed more people than the flu, so they were forced to stop. Perhaps we still listened to reason back then.
“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticise.” ― Tacitus
It reminds me of a controversial study performed by Stanley Milgram back in the 60’s when he was a professor at Yale. He was a psychologist, curious about the tragedy of the Holocaust and designed an experiment to answer the question; “Could it be that Eichmann and his millions of accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders?” He wrote a book about the experiment titled, “Obedience To Authority.” It should be required reading, as far as I’m concerned.
Milgram determined that most people obey out of fear or a desire to be cooperative, even going as far as to act against their own better judgement and desires. His experiment highlighted people’s reluctance to confront those who abuse power. The sad outcome of the experiment was that a minority of the individuals involved rebelled and challenged the authority of the experimenter, even when they thought they were killing someone.
The shocking experiment
Milgram recruited subjects from all walks of life. They were put in the role of a teacher and were asked to administer electric shocks to a student when questions were answered incorrectly. The student was actually an actor and the only shock performed in the experiment was a sample 45-volt jolt, to show the teacher what they were administering to the student.
Shock levels were labeled from 15 to 450 volts and with text labels; slight, moderate, strong, very strong, intense, extremely intense, DANGER SEVERE and finally XXX. The student, (actor) would perform with a grunt at 75v, complain at 120v, plead at 185v, agonized screams at 285v, complain of heart pain and finally go silent, flopping like a fish out of water at the highest levels.
The teacher, (subject) was urged, pressured, coerced and demanded by the experimenter to proceed to increase the level of the shocks, with statements like, “The experiment requires that you continue.” Some of the teachers, (subjects) refused to continue with the shocks fairly early on, despite the demands of the experimenter, which was what Milgram expected when he designed the experiment. However 65% of the subjects were willing to crank the shocks past the DANGER SEVERE level, to the Maximum XXX shock level.
While many exhibited a range of negative emotions about continuing, pleading with both the experimenter and the student, they continued to obey. Even when they thought they were killing the student. Milgram tried different variations and when not coerced by the authority of the experimenter only 2.5% of the subjects applied the highest shock level, suggesting it was the coercion of an authority figure and they were likely passing the responsibility from themselves to others, believing the experiments took place under the auspices of a respected expert. Sound familiar?
Milgram divided the subjects into 3 categories:
- Obeyed but justified themselves. Basically, they blamed the experimenter or the student. Reasoning that if anything happened to the student it was the fault of the experimenter or “the student was so stupid and stubborn that he deserved to be shocked.”
- Obeyed and blamed themselves. They felt guilty after the fact and were harsh with themselves for allowing the experimenter to coerce them. They might actually challenge authority if confronted in the future.
- Rebelled. Questioned the authority of the experimenter, arguing an ethical imperative. They protected the student over the needs of the authority.
The important question is why were those who challenged authority in the minority? Have we been so indoctrinated into the dogma of “Obedience To Authority,” that we would shock a poor student to death because an authority told us to? The experiment was over 50 years ago. Do you think the percentage of folks who would crank the shock therapy to the max is higher or lower in the present paradigm? There are plenty of folks on Twitter and Facebook, cranking the rhetoric up to DANGER SEVERE. Justifying themselves with the words of Tony, Joe and establishment propaganda superstars like the New York Times. “The experiment requires that you get the damn shot!”
“Just because something bears the aspect of the inevitable one should not, therefore, go along willingly with it.” ― Philip K. Dick
You don’t have to take the shot. No matter how much they coerce, pressure or demand. You have the right to refuse! Nothing has changed since the vaccine was introduced, except the amount of pressure applied. They are attempting to coerce, through the threat of consequences. The bottom line is, it’s a test of faith, conviction and courage. Each individual must decide what they will accept or reject – No matter the consequences. It’s time to question authority – To argue for an ethical imperative.
“A desire to resist oppression is implanted in the nature of man.” ~Tacitus
They know they are rapidly losing control, so they are stepping up the tyranny; Cranking the Dial to “DANGER SEVERE.” The window is narrow, which is why they are in a full blown panic. The fact that governments are not willing to change course when new information is presented, proves that it’s not about health or the safety of the citizens, it’s about tyranny and control. It is critical now more than ever, that people do not remain silent. Silence is surrender and puts your freedom in jeopordy.
Resist Tyranny – Do No Comply!
If your employer attempts to coerce you, by saying the vaccine is a requirement of employement, like Jared Polis is doing to the health workers in the State of Colorado. You can fight back. Catherine Austin Fitts with Solari Report has designed a form with pertinent legal information to push back.