Divided & Conquered

It’s not enough that we divide ourselves around racial, political and religious beliefs. Now we have, Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed. And you cannot be considered Vaxxed, until two weeks after your second dose. Any one of the miraculous elixirs developed in only a few short months by some the most trusted, snake oil peddlers in Pharma-land, will do. First it was pitting the masked, against the unmasked. Now we have shifted gears to what was in mind from the beginning. Get Vaxxed, or else.

I seen Joe the other day, telling the proles all about his new Federal policy. Vaxx-ed or Mask-ed, was how he described it. Once you’re part of the Vaxx-ed tribe, with your passport safely tucked away in your smartphone you will be allowed, permitted or licensed to return to your normal government controlled existence, without a face covering. What does that mean for the Unvaxxed? Will they be rounded up and incarcerated in internment camps like Roosevelt did to the Japanese Americans with his Executive Order during WWII?

The Science

Will the Unvaxxed be blamed and made scapegoat, in this made for TV drama? The great Unvaxxed, who need to be caged, to protect all the good boys and girls that comply with “The Science.” That’s what they call it. If you don’t trust the vaccine, you are just a stupid prole that doesn’t understand, “The Science.” Only smart people understand “The Science.” You’re not a stupid prole are you?

One of the reasons I think we are devolving rather than evolving as a society, is that we continue to fall for the same ridiculous propaganda. This is not about science, medicine, health or safety. It’s about government control. Perhaps it’s the internet and the speed information travels, that makes the present propaganda seem so childish and undeveloped. A hundred years ago you could get away with fabricating a big lie and repeating it over and over until everyone got onboard.

Like the big lie, that Japanese Americans were a danger to the empire and needed to be incarcerated. What did American society do when FDR, decreed by executive order that 130,000 Americans needed to be incarcerated to protect the empire. Nothing. Hardly a voice was raised until after the fact, when everyone began to awaken to the despicable, savage and atrocious act, committed against humanity because of the Fear Propaganda generated by FDR and the government.

The Big Lie

Maybe as a collective we need to keep being taught the same lesson until we get it. My concern is; What if we never get it? Is the fear response hardwired in our brains. What if 12-16 years of schooling is more about training you to submit to authority than learning to read and write. There’s a long list of these big lies. How about the one that Europeans discovered America. When in truth millions of people already lived here peacefully and in harmony with nature for tens of thousands of years before the Europeans violently shoved them aside or incarcerated them on reservations.

The really big lie, is division. Why do they keep trying to divide us along one line or another. We are all from the same tribe. Birds are birds, trees are trees and flowers are flowers. You are human, created in the image of Great Spirit. Red, Yellow, Brown, White, Tall, Short, Vaxxed or Unvaxxed. Love thy neighbor and treat folks the way you want to be treated – The Golden Rule. Perhaps the problem is, you don’t love yourself enough. It’s hard to love thy neighbor if you don’t love yourself. “All You need is Love.”