We’ve been juicing for a dozen years, and love the antioxidant buzz we get from downing a big glass of fresh-blended roots, fruits, and veggies. Numerous studies have proven that the consumption of vegetables and fruits is correlated to a lower incidence of chronic disease. Drinking vegetable and fruit juice is an efficient way to consume fruits and vegetables, which affect cardiovascular risk factors, such as lowering blood pressure and improving blood lipid profiles.
Vegetable and fruit juices improve cardiovascular health, especially mixtures of fruits and veggies because they contain a variety of antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals. When juicing is done correctly, using a cold-press masticating juicer such as an Omega, and then immediately consuming the juice after it’s made, a variety of benefits emerge. One of the original alternative cancer therapies, the Gerson Therapy, was founded on this principle.
Juicing might not be the fountain of youth we were hoping for a decade ago when we bought our first Omega Juicer but it’s a very effective way to get all the good stuff in these powerful plants without overloading the intestinal tract with too much fiber, which can exacerbate metabolic disfunction. Studies have shown that the consumption of beetroot and carrot juice reduces blood pressure significantly, and other vegetable juices have also drawn wide attention. For instance, in one study, hypertensive subjects showed a remarkable decrease in blood pressure after only 12 weeks.
Carrot, Apple and Ginger juice is one of our favorite juice blends. It’s not only full of Vitamin C, polyphenols, carotenoids, anthocyanins, and other various nutrients, it tastes incredible, like drinking sunshine. Juicing is just one opportunity in a sea of whole food modalities to find health, but it’s one that tastes really good and it’s fun. Here are a few links to past articles and a white paper on the topic: