Instinct is an inbuilt survival system, common to many animals along with humans. It’s part of the limbic system or paleo-mammalian cortex and processes our lower order emotions, like fear, anger and rage. The mothering instinct also lives there along with defensive and survival instincts. These emotions are hard to overcome even by big-brained humans and probably for a good reason. We wouldn’t have evolved beyond our Cro-Magnon ancestors if we’d have invited saber-toothed tigers, giant grizzlies, Komodo dragons or roving bands of Neanderthal savages to dinner.
It’s not uncommon for folks to lump intuition into the instinct basket with other lizard-brain motivations, but the two are distinctly different from each other. Intuition is at the opposite end of the frequency spectrum from instinct. Instinct is connected to the Root Chakra at the base of the spine and represents security and safety. Intuition is tied to the Third-Eye Chakra at the top of your forehead. It represents subconscious knowledge, extra sensory perception, higher intellect and wisdom. Intuition connects to your inner vision and produces exceptional perception of the Great Wide World. It provides an entirely new way of seeing – a sixth sense.
“Intuition is seeing with the soul.” ~ Dean Koontz
Intuition and instinct are so far apart, you can’t use them at the same time. Instinct must be switched off before intuition can be switched on. You can’t unleash the third-eye and your ESP super power unless you feel safe and secure. There’s a hierarchy involved. To access your intuition you need to be satiated, calm and grounded. If you’re hungry, scared, tired or defending yourself and your family against one onslaught or another, instinct will over-ride intuition every time.
Words, Words, Words
That’s why fear-mongering and propaganda work so well as a control mechanism for governments against the people. The limbic system fires first; fear, anger, defense, safety and security are unconscious reactions in the hierarchy of human need. These instinctive reactions shut off subconscious knowledge and the higher intellect required to see propaganda for what it is. A narrative, a story; words, words, words.
There’s no valid reason to be afraid of words. A saber-toothed tiger maybe, your girl-friend chasing you down with a straight razor, most definitely. But words coming from a politician, journalist or news anchor are not worth fretting about. And that goes double for any technocratic expert, guru or authority figure and triple when there’s a panel of them. You only need to remember a bit of first grade wisdom, “Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”
“Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third eye.” ~ Bill Hicks
Your intuition is capable of seeing through all the lies, deceit and mis-information. It cannot be fooled by false prophets and technocratic charlatans. That’s why they work so hard to make sure the intuition switch never gets flipped on. A steady stream of fear-porn, pours like a river, from every media outlet – Be afraid, be very afraid. If you watch, listen or read much of this for any length of time, it’s nearly impossible to escape the emotional cyclone produced by your paleo-mammalian cortex.
Beware of the Big Brain
It’s probably our big brains that have made us so susceptible to propaganda. A giant grizzly barreling down the hill at 30 mph would definitely scare the shit out of me. Hell a middling grizzly bear barreling down the hill at 15 mph would scare the shit out of me. But what about the threat of a virus, that you can’t see or smell or hear or touch. A threat that kills less than say 1 or 2 percent of those it comes into contact with. Would that put fear and loathing into the heart of a big strong Cro-Magnon?
“If someone doesn’t value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?” ~ Sam Harris
From my perspective, high level intuition isn’t even required to see the truth of it, simple logic is more than enough. Which begs the question, are we at the end of this evolutionary experiment? Our ancestors survived being on the dinner menu for half a dozen different, hungry, giant predators and not only survived but thrived. Some of them probably even dined on Saber-tooth stew occasionally. And here we are 50,000 years later, succumbing to a few old, fat billionaires and their bevy of mercenary technocrats and government lackeys. Makes you go hmmm, right?
That Which Does Not Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger
That’s one perspective, however my intuition suggests something more important is happening. My Third Eye sees this attack on our freedom as a catalyst, to awaken the strong Cro-Magnon spirit that resides in each of us. I doubt that we’ll dine on fat billionaire stew any time soon but at least we won’t let these Neanderthals steal our evolution from us.
Evolution’s not linear, it’s an ever expanding spiral. From our low level perspective it might seem like a big circle jerk but with a slight adjustment in perspective it’s possible to see far out there on the horizon, a truth first eludicated by Friedrich Nietsche – “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” We will not only survive this toltalitarian attack, we will come out the other side of this encounter much stronger. There will probably be fewer of us, though. Here’s another evolutionary revalation from ~ Anne Frank . “The weak die out and the strong will survive, and will live on forever”