Sonnet #12 – Surfing on a Chaotic Sea

Listen to “Surfing on a Chaotic Sea,” by Grinning Falcon
A jumbled sea - of crisis and chaos.
Filled with pain and suffering and turmoil.
Darker than a centuries old gargoyle.
It’s around my neck, like an Albatross.
Yearning for harmony - I get discord.
Surfing a curling wave of Anarchy.
I want to ride free, out on the high sea.
Far from the horde; sun, sea, sky and "The Board."
The horde making a riotous tumult.
Like crashing waves on the Banzai Pipeline.
I breathe in the clean, sweet smell of the brine.
Acceptance and centeredness; the result.
When lost on a Sea of complexity.
Try surfing a wave of simplicity.

3MPH – The Speed of Life